Comment on the vid by a Muslim:
Bashir38 (1 minute ago) 0 Reply | Spam
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According to the Holy Quran, "There is no compulsion in religion"(2:256) The number of those who apostate from Islam is so negligible compared to the huge number of new reverts to Islam. Statistically, Islam today is the fastest growing religion in the world, especially among Westerners.
It's fact that not everybody is equipped to believe in God's existence, but those who are guided to Islam are truly blessed. May Allah guide us all. Peace.
(1) Standard Islamic response - the numbers game - the imperialistic expansive religion.
(2) Death threats, violence, murder, threat of murder, social and violent coercion is what keeps Muslims from leaving Islam. But the numbers are certainly not negligible.
(3) There are many types of westerners who convert to Islam. A large proportion of them are cretins, social misfits, stupid bigots, racists, and losers, who want to join a paranoid and hysterical religion.
(4) The numbers of westerners converting to Islam are statistically insignificant. Studies show that most converts leave Islam in disgust eventually. The growth of Muslims in the West is due to high birth rates and immigration. Even then, the perception of Islam amongst infidels grows ever more dark and unlikeable, the more people discover about the truth of Islam.
Could someone post that as a reply on the thread? I don't have a youtube account and would like the cretin who write the original message to read it, as well as everyone else too. Thanks.