another slimy shia who left islam, well i'm not surprised you left when your shia doctrine tells you to hit yourself, tell you temporary marriage is halal but dating is haraam, tells you homosexuality is allowed as long as you chop off your dick. hell if i was a shia i'd probably have left islam as well. shame i'm a sunni the proper islam.

I wasn't even a shia.. my channel even says that i was a sunni!
well, you say you don't beleive in any religion now, then how come u are only attacking islam?? ??
attack christianity and judaism for a change, mother fucker !!

try getting some science from their holy books!! and lets see if u find anything worthy to make vidoes about
HAHAHA, What a looser are you, you failed in finding your creator and now you are after ANIMAL SEX, later we will see you fighting humanity to allow you to have sex with animals, poor you......