The news that Iceland has banned prostitution and strip clubs prompted me to start this thread. Here is a report on it: you can't or don't want to watch the video, they're basically saying that this should be the feminist position. They pride themselves in having the highest proportion of female MPs of any other country and in having an elected lesbian head of government.
Anyway, I think prostitution should be fully legalized. The first argument is the freedom of choice but even if that is not sufficient for you then I think one could make a strong case that the prostitutes' welfare and health would be enhanced if it is legalized. Just ask a hooker in Holland or Germany and another one in the States.
Not only that but also, I genuinely believe that advocating legalization should be the feminist position specially in high-income countries with a social safety net. Yes some are abused and forced to this by pimps but if we legalize it and remove the stigma we can tackle these issues more effectively.
I agree that it objectifies women but almost every other job does this to a certain extent. In the literal sense of the word, even a construction worker is being reduced to an object (machine).
It also gives women a leg up on men. Because of our biological nature and social conventions (in developed countries at least) the women have the upper hand when it comes to dating and I think women have the right to make use of that.
Just like men dominate certain job sectors owing to their physical power, women can use their sexuality.
Of course many of you will protest (and rightly so) and say that renting your body as a manual laborer is not the same as renting your body as a prostitute. I partially agree with that but only because of the social stigma around prostitution.
Once we legalize it we can remove the stigma and look at prostitutes as contributing members of our society who provide a needed service, same as a construction worker, a masseur/masseuse, or a pedicurist.
My final argument is that a ban is not gonna solve the problem, it'll only drive it underground.
Lastly, to make the discussion a little more specific and well-defined, I'll outline my arguments. So please feel free to challenge/mock any of them.
1/Freedom of choice
2/Welfare and health of prostitutes
3/Feminist position (I have a feeling the ladies are gonna grill me on this one )
4/Removing the social stigma
5/Unfeasibility of a ban
6/Forgot to say that it's not just women I'm talking about, men can be prostitutes. And this includes straight as well LGBT folks.