BillyNot the end of days, but the end of a society. Look at what happened to the Greeks, Romans etc.....They became so intellectual, that they became lazy and almost frozen by their intellectualism. They were far more effective in their earlier stages where they were less intellectual and more willing to be brutes.
Billy, what happens if the Muslim population explodes as some people predict?? Would you like to see a minaret on top of Big Ben?? Don't count that out if Muslims ever gained the majority. Don't think that's silly because it most certainly is not. Muslims are aggressive by nature and ultimately believe that Islam should rule anywhere and everywhere, and to not do everything they can to make this happen is a dereliction of their religious duty.
It may already be too late and either at some point, some sort of very distasteful population control methods would have to be put into place, or you'd have to stick them on a donkey cart and send them back to the hell hole they came from
And who's fault is this pervasive and perhaps unsolvable problem?? Overly intellectual liberals who think they know better than others and actually have the arrogant gall to practice social engineering via undisclosed decisions of the few.
As long as these people are in control, Britain will be lost. No question about it, and the funny part is that rather than appreciate all of the ridiculous efforts by liberals, Muslims laugh about it and take complete advantage of it, and even boast how they will eventually rule. Just look at the user "iffo" here. He'll tell you all about it. This is who the liberal is feeding. A snake. A Trojan Horse.
Here is the result of over excessive intellectualism, liberalism and intellectual "I know better than you" snobbery. It's not a fake picture. Read the verse. It's hard coded into their religion.