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 Topic: Ex Christian

 (Read 5426 times)
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  • Ex Christian
     OP - April 03, 2010, 06:01 PM

    ( i know there will probably be alot of grammar & spelling errors. Don't worry I don't write like this when I'm writing college papers  Smiley  )

    lets give this a try! bunny

    Hi, My name is Safiya ( my parents wanted to give me an African name)
    I was raised in a Christian household ( Baptist) and I basically lived in the church. My mom taught Sunday school and my dad was a Deacon.
    Bible Study, Sunday Service, "Watch Night"...I was there!

    I was the only girl out of 3 other kids. My parents were strict. I wasn't allowed to do this or that.
    We had parental control on the t.v. We couldn't watch PG-13, R-rated movies. We had curfews( 9pm). We couldn't listen to music that talked about sex, drugs or was anti-God.

    Anyway, around the age of 18 ( which is the age we graduate from High School here) i started to question my beliefs.
    When I left for college I became non-religious.
    It mainly had to do with the fact that the Bible really wasn't the word of God and was written by man.

    Earlier this year I was involved in a car accident on my way home from class. After that I was considering becoming religious( again). My car accident had me thinking about what will happen to my soul in the afterlife.
    So I started to study different religions and I stumbled on Islam( I ruled out Christianity). I had a friend who was a Muslim and to be honestly she made Islam seem like this really cool thing.  

    I started to attend a local mosque in my area( only 4 times though) and I got a Quran from there. Alot of people there were nice to me and told me to convert so I could join the "largest & fastest growing family on Earth".

    One day I decided to devote a whole afternoon( its not like I had anything better to do anyway) to just studying the Quran & the Hadiths.
    Thats when my future of becoming a "Muslimah" crashed ( I would attend Jummah prayers but I wouldn't really be listening alot of the time. I have short attention span when it comes to stuff like that)
    Alot of things i disagreed with. Including:
    1. The Heaven and Hell concept
    2. Women having to cover up because men cant control their sexual urges
    3. Homosexuality being a sin.

    Now I am currently an Agnostic because:
    1. I do believe that there is a higher being out there but we wont be sure until we die.
    2.  I don't believe that religious texts are the word of "God"
    3. The Heaven/Hell concept seems kind of funny. ( i mean how do we know Hell( if it exists) is this horrible place?)
    4. I don't believe in prophets.
    5. I don't like religious laws as I believe they leave no room for change.
    6. I realized that I am a strongly secular person.

    I have told my parents and now our relationship is strained. The only one I really talk to is my younger brother Cry
    I do love my family, but I don't want this to ruin our relationship.
    Hopefully one day, we will be able to repair it.

    "Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it." ~ Andre Gide

  • Re: Ex Christian
     Reply #1 - April 03, 2010, 06:11 PM

    Interesting story, Lucky, thanks for sharing.  Also an ex-Christian here, (ex-Catholic in my case).  Hopefully your family will accept it given some time, mine were always pretty much a la carte Catholics anyway so it never bothered them. 

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Ex Christian
     Reply #2 - April 03, 2010, 06:23 PM

    Interesting story.
    Did you tell your parents about your apostasy only recently?
    Are you from US btw - if you don't mind me asking.
  • Re: Ex Christian
     Reply #3 - April 03, 2010, 06:35 PM

    "Interesting story.
    Did you tell your parents about your apostasy only recently?
    Are you from US btw - if you don't mind me asking"

    yes, I am from America
    I am from the Deep South( "church on every corner...liquor store in between" and "bible in one hand and shotgun in the other" describes where I grew up) , but I moved away when I started college.

    I told my brothers about it( that I didn't think I was a Christian anymore). And one day my mom called me and asked me
    "What is this i hear about you not being a Christian?".
    According to my mom, my older brother( who is religious like my parents) told her and my dad. So I came out and I was told her the truth ( this occured in March of this year so yeah it was VERY recent). I didn't want to lie to her anymore. I mean I have to think about what will happen if I ever were to have kids ( I doubt I will have kids biologically though, I would like to topic i know Tongue) and my parents wanted to get them baptized?
    I mean,After years of trying to discover what I actually believed in...
    only recently did I feel like I was sure about them.

    "Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it." ~ Andre Gide

  • Re: Ex Christian
     Reply #4 - April 03, 2010, 06:45 PM

    I did tell them recently mainly because I feel so sure of my beliefs, now.

    I am pretty sure that they will accept your viewpoint soon and that their reaction is just an initial outburst of emotions.

    Btw if you want to use the quote button for replying to the last post hit "Reply" first and then hit "Quote this post".
  • Re: Ex Christian
     Reply #5 - April 03, 2010, 06:46 PM

    Btw if you want to use the quote button for replying to the last post hit "Reply" first and then hit "Quote this post".


    "Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it." ~ Andre Gide

  • Re: Ex Christian
     Reply #6 - April 03, 2010, 06:56 PM

    Great story, thanks for sharing.  Afro Do you think your name had anything to do with you looking at Islam? Perhaps subconsciously? I know it may seem trivial, but you'd be surprised how names can have an impact on a child when growing up. I think my name made a big difference to me - I sensed that some people treated me differently because of my name at times and that had an impact on me.
  • Re: Ex Christian
     Reply #7 - April 03, 2010, 07:00 PM

    Great story, thanks for sharing.  Afro Do you think your name had anything to do with you looking at Islam? Perhaps subconsciously? I know it may seem trivial, but you'd be surprised how names can have an impact on a child when growing up. I think my name made a big difference to me - I sensed that some people treated me differently, because of my name at times and that had an impact on me.

    I do think that too.
    That was something else that led to me studying Islam.
    Growing up,I didn't even know that my name was a name given to mainly muslim girls.All I knew was that my parents gave me the name because it was African origin ( my dad is from Africa)

    "Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it." ~ Andre Gide

  • Re: Ex Christian
     Reply #8 - April 03, 2010, 08:02 PM

    Welcome, Safiya. Glad that you found us. There's no need to stop seeking for more knowledge and wisdom in the world. I hope to see you around this place. Smiley

    "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
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