Sounds like you hang out with some pretty chill and liberal Muslims
lol, I tend to avoid using words like liberal or progressive (although I end up having to use it because there isn't really a decent word to describe the movement; modernist I avoid because 'modernists' tend to equate to Sayyid Qutb and gang) because there is always a connotation of 'half baked Islam' being practiced when each of them are passionate about being a Muslim - they just so happen to approach it from a different angle.
They realise that the hadiths were collected 250-300 years after Muhammad died; that there are many stories written down of dubious reliability, many Muslims would sooner hold onto stories that are false than admit they know very little about the real character that is Muhammad. So they're Muslims with a sceptical eye with a willingness to challenge what is passed off as 'fact'.
What do they think of the whole Salafi thing?
Their displeasure is well noted in the MCC mailing list archives
Also, of the 135 converts in the video, how many you think are still Muslim?
I'll answer it in a different way; there was a BBC Documentary on converts to Islam; one woman was a hippy/alternative women who converted to Islam (through Sufism) but hung around with a Sufi group in London. Although the hard core 'Muslim's will claim there are converts every day/week/month/year - how many of them are willing to acknowledge that the vast majority don't sit in their hard line literalist camp? how many of them are Muslim and yet openly support same sex marriage and appose the death penalty for gays? there is a disconnect by those who promote the 'growth' numbers and the number of Muslims who actually subscribe to their version of Islam.
I'm not saying that those who are Sufi/non-Mainstream are any less of a Muslim but more the statement is pointed out those who try to think that they've won 135 converts to the 'winning team' in that I question how many, assuming they're all converts from atheism/another religion, are actually practising what they would called 'true Islam'? how many of them are praying five times a day? turning up to mosque? subscribing to a madhab? strictly keeping to what they deem as the 'gold standard of Islam'?