It's always worth mentioning that the Crusades started in 1096 in response to Islamic expansionism in the Levant and Anatolia.
The Byzantine emperor, Komnenos, asked Pope Urban II for help to repel the Islamic empire.
My favorite Orwellian speak is from fundamentalist Muslims who hold that the Islamic state should be spread by force, but in a weird kind of self defense justifiable way. Like once an Islamic state is created every other "state" has to recognize it and let the proselytizers enter in their country, practice Islam fully ( absolutely fully as in every law of Sharia must be enacted [but only apply to Muslims], never disrespect Islam, Muhammad, or the Islamic state ( read criticize), and any abjuration of this opens the state to warfare with Islam and there can only be a temporary peace agreement only until the Islamic state is powerful enough to take them, kill all their men, and take the women and children ( under puberty) all in the same of self defense. I tried to explain to them that would strip the word "self defense" of all meaning, but it was like trying to explain terms to the characters in 1984
They like to claim that the expansion of the Islamic empire is good and necessary in order to prevent the non-Muslims from controlling any part of the world and thereby corrupting the minds of their children with un-Islamic philosophies. All people everywhere have to be brought under the control of Islam so that they can prevent bad philosophies like Christianity, Buddhism or secularism from destroying the minds of the youth in those countries.
It's all to protect the children.
I would have thought it was blatantly obvious that Islam means peace through submission to Islam, and Islam being the consensus of the ulema; Islam is peaceful when all the world becomes Muslims. You're right it is a double speech - and I've caught Muslims out on this when they start talking about Islam being peace and tolerance and I rattle of a list of countries that execute GLBT people. All I get is a whole lot of stuttering followed by, "well, they don't represent Islam" (then who the fuck represents Islam if the people don't represent it - after all, it is the practitioners who interpret and implement the fucking religion!).
It's always amusing when they say that at the same time as claiming that Islam is peaceful and tolerant. I mean, if countries like Saudi Arabia are the product of a watered-down version of Islam, how much feckin' worse would a complete Islamic state be?
I kinda hope Hizb at-Tahrir get their way so everyone can see how fucked up a pure Islamic state really would be. Mind you, they'd probably still say, 'Oh, they weren't doing it right!'