They are degraded of course because they are seen as 'just a piece of ass'. I'm not saying that can't be profitable. A popular comedic style includes self-degradation, and that rakes in tons of money. Just because something is degrading doesn't mean it must be stopped, if it is freely entered in to.
So do you consider sex degrading? Pornography is just a sex tape. The same things women give consent to in the bedroom in their personal lives are the same things they give consent to in their career. They are getting paid - a female pornstar who's a highschool dropout will make more money than a doctor within her first year - and they are giving consent. What is so degrading here?
A great example is the pedophile issue. Determining whether Muhammad was an actual pedophile and whether or not child marriage should be allowed are two separate issues. Most of the responders couldn't wrap their heads around that.
It's not a separate issue in Mohammed's case. His religion promotes getting married to have sexual intercourse. If his religion allowed pre-marital sex then you may have a point, but since it doesn't, it's important to lump those together since they go hand in hand.
And Mo. was def. a pedo.
It is in the interest of Ex-Muslims to degrade/misrepresent Islam, only the best of them will escape the group mentality and become closest to objectivity.
So I'm guessing you did a PHD on us ex-Muslims did ya?
You asked me not to rush to judgment, but isn't that what you did? I think you were assuming that I had a conservative view on the issue perhaps? That is yet another symptom of being an 'Ex-Muslim', it is to be in rebellion against Islam and that often means rebellion against conservatism. I point these things out but I think that all I will get are fingers pointed back at me in a fit of 'Ex-Muslim cognitive dissonance'. : )
Assalamu alaykum
What does Islam have to do with political conservatism, other than the fact that Islam is parallel to Fascism? If you mean that we as ex-Muslims are against Fascism, then I believe most would agree, but you don't have to be an ex-Muslim to jump on that wagon.
At least with prostitution the man is having sex in return for his money though. Even with porn, he can either masturbate, or in some cases couples will be watching it together to spice up their sex life or whatever. Lap dancing just seems completely pointless - like going into a restaurant, paying for a nice meal and not being allowed to eat it.
I agree with your point about porn actors/actresses, it is based on a double standard.
You have an excellent point about lap dances Cheetah, but strip clubs really just serve as a place to get together with your male friends (mostly) and just socialize. I don't take it as the exploitation of Men, if they choose to get lap dances. I say this because of the fact that they make that choice. But I do agree that it's a waste of money - precisely why I stopped going to strip clubs.