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 Topic: A life long atheist joins you

 (Read 3560 times)
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  • A life long atheist joins you
     OP - April 06, 2010, 11:19 PM


    I was arguing with a Christian on the internet some time ago about contradictions in the Bible. Suddenly a Muslim joined in and said I should read the Quran and assured me I wouldn't find a single contradiction there. I didn't take his offer, but I must admit I was quite impressed by this challenge and his confidence.

    Some time later I stumbled across a video on youtube of a lecture held by the esteemed Dr Zakir Naik, where he was talking about all the scientific miracles of the Quran and how it would be impossible for an illiterate man to know these things without some sort of divine influence. Some of this seemed to be things the ancient Greek philosophers had talked about, but I didn't remember what they had said, and the parts about embryology also seemed rather impressive.

    Experiences like these, in addition to all the things I had heard about the beautiful poetry of the Quran and all the great things the Prophet had said and done left me quite curious! I didn't doubt that Mohammed was a great man, and I had this notion that the Quran was a very elegant and eloquent scripture.

    But then I actually started to read the Quran (that is, I googled it and read some selected verses). I was shocked at 4:34; men have Allah's permission to beat women? What?? I also found out about Aisha, the Prophet's extremely young wife, which horrified me. The last thing that really shocked me was when I recently came over an article about the mathematical blunder in verse 4:11 regarding inheritance. As a mathematician, the idea that the creator of the universe couldn't even get a simple addition with fractions correct is just ludicrous, and in my opinion absolutely irrefutible proof that the Quran was mostly written by an illiterate man.

    It is safe to say all my previous impressions have been completely obliterated! I think the "esteemed" Nakir is either thoroughly blinded by his love for his religion, or he sees straight through it all, but plays along as I understand he is making a good living out of it, accompanied with respect and admiration. (There are ample examples of this in Christianity, as I'm sure you are aware of).

    Anyways, I'm still quite interested in religions, especially Christendom and Islam as they are of great importance to so many people on our tiny, insignificant planet. I'm studying them both on a hobby basis, and I think I can learn a lot by engaging in various discussions on this internet forum! Looking forward to it!

    See you around, and Carl Sagan (pbuh) bless you!

    Edit: typo

    Bukhari 62:142 - Narrated Anas bin Malik:
       The Prophet used to pass by (have sexual relation with) all his wives in one night, and at that time he had nine wives.
  • Re: A life long atheist joins you
     Reply #1 - April 06, 2010, 11:22 PM

    Welcome - and May God bless Carl Sagan!
  • Re: A life long atheist joins you
     Reply #2 - April 06, 2010, 11:24 PM

    Welcome. I'm glad you didn't fall for Zakir Naik's bullshit. He's nothing but a complete fraud and a deluded individual. Good to have you on board.  Wink

    Also Carl Sagan is a legend.

    "The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves."
  • Re: A life long atheist joins you
     Reply #3 - April 06, 2010, 11:38 PM

    Welcome to the forum. I hope you find this place useful.  Wink
    Carl Sagan (pbuh) bless you!

    You get my "Seal of Awesomeness"*. Congratulations!!!  Afro

    *Just another way of saying, "I agree that Carl Sagan is awesome"

    "In every time and culture there are pressures to conform to the prevailing prejudices. But there are also, in every place and epoch, those who value the truth; who record the evidence faithfully. Future generations are in their debt." -Carl Sagan

  • Re: A life long atheist joins you
     Reply #4 - April 06, 2010, 11:38 PM

    Greetings, brother in Atheism.

    My story is a similar one. I was interested in the claims made about the Qur'an and its alleged scientific miracles. Needless to say, I too found that those claims were entirely bogus.

    Of course, I was tipped off to the Qur'an's human authorship when I saw that it repeatedly claimed that the earth was flat. Smiley
  • Re: A life long atheist joins you
     Reply #5 - April 06, 2010, 11:40 PM

    Hiya. Welcome to the forum.  Afro

    I The last thing that really shocked me was when I recently came over an article about the mathematical blunder in verse 4:11 regarding inheritance. As a mathematician, the idea that the creator of the universe couldn't even get a simple addition with fractions correct is just ludicrous, and in my opinion absolutely irrefutible proof that the Quran was mostly written by an illiterate man.

    Yeah that one is classic. Obvious stupidity but you can't tell them that.  Roll Eyes

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: A life long atheist joins you
     Reply #6 - April 06, 2010, 11:53 PM

  • Re: A life long atheist joins you
     Reply #7 - April 06, 2010, 11:54 PM

    I flunked maths. Can someone explain that mathematical error to me?  whistling2
  • Re: A life long atheist joins you
     Reply #8 - April 07, 2010, 12:14 AM

    Thanks for the welcome everyone!  Afro

    As I understand it, Zakir Naik is just copying (sometimes word for word I've heard) Ahmed Deedat. So he is just relegated to a plagiarising, deluded individual!

    Carl Sagan is quite possibly the person I admire most. "The Cosmos" was nothing short of beautiful!

    Google "math error quran" and look for the site (I'm not allowed to post links).
    There you'll find a pretty good explanation, and the comments are amusing!

    Bukhari 62:142 - Narrated Anas bin Malik:
       The Prophet used to pass by (have sexual relation with) all his wives in one night, and at that time he had nine wives.
  • Re: A life long atheist joins you
     Reply #9 - April 07, 2010, 12:20 AM

    Welcome to the forum. The embryology bits aren't that impressive, just another thing copied from the Greeks and riddled with obvious errors.
  • Re: A life long atheist joins you
     Reply #10 - April 07, 2010, 12:29 AM

    Carl Sagan is quite possibly the person I admire most. "The Cosmos" was nothing short of beautiful!

    Indeed. I really wish I was born/old enough when Sagan was alive. All I got from him now are DVDs and books, which is brilliant, but I can't help but wish he was still alive today.

    Welcome to the forum. The embryology bits aren't that impressive, just another thing copied from the Greeks and riddled with obvious errors.

    Not to mention it was wrong as well. The most obvious is the bones forming before the flesh and then the flesh coating the bones. CBA to look it up now for those of you who want verse numbers.

    "In every time and culture there are pressures to conform to the prevailing prejudices. But there are also, in every place and epoch, those who value the truth; who record the evidence faithfully. Future generations are in their debt." -Carl Sagan

  • Re: A life long atheist joins you
     Reply #11 - April 07, 2010, 12:32 AM

    Thanks for the welcome everyone!  Afro

    As I understand it, Zakir Naik is just copying (sometimes word for word I've heard) Ahmed Deedat. So he is just relegated to a plagiarising, deluded individual!

    Carl Sagan is quite possibly the person I admire most. "The Cosmos" was nothing short of beautiful!

    Google "math error quran" and look for the site (I'm not allowed to post links).
    There you'll find a pretty good explanation, and the comments are amusing!

    Haha. Thanks.

    Maybe Muhammad's phobia of even numbers was responsible.  grin12
  • Re: A life long atheist joins you
     Reply #12 - April 07, 2010, 12:35 AM

    Not to mention it was wrong as well. The most obvious is the bones forming before the flesh and then the flesh coating the bones. CBA to look it up now for those of you who want verse numbers.

    "Then We transformed the drop [of semen] into a clot. Then We transformed the clot into a [little] lump of flesh. Then We transformed the lump of flesh into bones. Then We clothed the bones with flesh. Then We produced him as [yet] another creature. So blessed be God, the best of creators!"

    Which is also funny because it says that there are other creators, and Allah is the best of them!
  • Re: A life long atheist joins you
     Reply #13 - April 07, 2010, 12:37 AM

    "Then We transformed the drop [of semen] into a clot. Then We transformed the clot into a [little] lump of flesh. Then We transformed the lump of flesh into bones. Then We clothed the bones with flesh. Then We produced him as [yet] another creature. So blessed be God, the best of creators!"

    Which is also funny because it says that there are other creators, and Allah is the best of them!

    And the other creators created this


    "In every time and culture there are pressures to conform to the prevailing prejudices. But there are also, in every place and epoch, those who value the truth; who record the evidence faithfully. Future generations are in their debt." -Carl Sagan

  • Re: A life long atheist joins you
     Reply #14 - April 07, 2010, 12:37 AM

    Some time later I stumbled across a video on youtube of a lecture held by the esteemed Dr Zakir Naik, where he was talking about all the scientific miracles of the Quran and how it would be impossible for an illiterate man to know these things without some sort of divine influence.

    Must be this video:
  • Re: A life long atheist joins you
     Reply #15 - April 07, 2010, 12:46 AM

    And the other creators created this
    (Clicky for piccy!)


  • Re: A life long atheist joins you
     Reply #16 - April 07, 2010, 07:55 AM

    Welcome to the forum. Zakir Naik is a showman for the unread. Carl Sagan was a wise sage.
  • Re: A life long atheist joins you
     Reply #17 - April 07, 2010, 10:47 AM

    Quote from: Infidel
    Not to mention it was wrong as well. The most obvious is the bones forming before the flesh and then the flesh coating the bones. CBA to look it up now for those of you who want verse numbers.

    There are new translations which have corrected those errors lol! So much for being perfect.

    And the other creators created this
    (Clicky for piccy!)


    The rosy lipped batfish beats any other creation

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