Sorry for the delay.
I was busy with my work and doing overtime. I do try to come when I am free and read your questions.
Please make sure they are relevant to the thread.
Thank you.
Some people like Cool Canadian claim that the scientist Maurice Bucaille did not convert to Islam.
Here is proof that he did convert to Islam. I have already told you this:
Another question to the OP:
Do you think it is right to kill apostates after they refuse to believe?
The Holy Quran does not want apostates to be killed.
If you think it does, then please find me one verse in which Allah tells muslims to kill people who leave Islam.
Please do not make wrong assumptions about your Creator.
Now, ahmed where is the truth, what are the means of identifying the true from false.
God has given us all a brain to use. Some use it. Others abuse it.
If you are honest and use your brain to reason and think properly, then you will be able to tell the
difference between what is a lie and what is a fact. That is how great scientists make great discoveries.
Allah says the same thing in the Quran. He wants us all to use our intellect which he gave us so that we achieve happiness and certainty. Without using our intelligence, we cannot see right from wrong, truth from falsehood. We should never fall for propaganda and hatred.
If Allah can preserve the Quran, why did he not preserve the Bible or the Torah? Please don't answer with, he gave people a chance to have a choice to not corrupt, or something similar.
They were not worth preserving. They were for sent for limited period and for limited people. Quran is for al times and for all people.
It is worth preserving. That is why Allah said no one can alter His final book to mankind.
I never said numbers of people converting to Islam proves it must be true. I said some scientists who have analysed the Quran have been convinced and therefore, they have converted to Islam. Islam is not a private matter. It is not a religion loike others. It is an ideology of life. Which is why it is gaining so many converts. It has beaten Marxism, Socialism, and all other isms.
Soon in the near future, it is estimated that Islam will be the largest religion on earth.
Why are thousands of people a year in europe and america converting to it? You tell me.
Why would intelligent people accept Allah if he was a false god?
Why would westerners become muslims if Islam was an evil religion?
Come on, you tell me.
Muslims hold a vast plethora of absurd beliefs such as:
- a personal God who is: omnibenevolent, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient etc (and btw some of these are self-contradictory)
- creationism (in particular that humans came from Adam and Eve)
- heaven, hell and life after death
- angels, the devil and jinns
- devine predestination/fate
- the day of judgement
- the evil eye
- the miracles of all the prophets
- the ascention and second coming of Jesus as well as his virgin birth
- punishment of the grave
- and many more...
Ahmed, if you want us to believe all this, please provide some
proper scientific evidence for each and every one of these claims. Of course, these claims are so absurd that there's not a hope in hell that any of them can be proven.
Please name me one belief from quran that is against scientific facts. You wont find one. Why?
It is the most scientifially advance book in the world, as my link above proves.
You people are just refusing to read scientific evidences.
The list of beliefs which you gave here is not from the Quran.
You are supposed to be a critical thinker. How can you make absurd statements.
Scientists are not authorities on God and know no more or no less than me or you about the existence of God.
but they have evidence that now proves that Quran cannot be written by a man. It must be from God. Please read the evidence they have presented. Hence Quran is perfect and Islam is the true way of life. I gave links above. That book which I posted contains clear evidence that proves Quran can only come from God and one one else. I am not a blind follower. I use my brain and think for myself. I have read that book. It did have scientific and logical evidence which was clearly presented. If you read it , you will see it too.