@ IA
Debunker, you're evading the question. If the Quranic god really did send prophets to these nations why didn't he just name one in the Quran? why didn't Muhammed ever mention one? why didn't tell the Meccans about China or Greece or the Mayans? why didn't he tell them about Hammurabi or Aristotle?
The Quran did mention some nations the Arabs could relate to, local nations. If the Quranic view of God's message was limited to the Middle East, God wouldn't have said that all nations received prophets. Sure, the *examples* given were local, but the claim was the message of submission itself was given every nation.
This suggests that the Quran was written by somebody who isn't knowledgeable in geography, history, or anthropology. Someone like Muhammed.
Of course, Muhammed was ignorant of all of these things... he was even illiterate. Yet, the Quran was sent to the Arabs first and then to all the nations. That's why we see the claims of the message having been already preached to all nations, and the Arabs were the last nation to receive their own prophet.