Lol science research to take away my N? I think not.
It sounds just like me, but I've already applied my love for all things MBTI to it. (I could be wrong, but right now, it makes sense to me, feel free to change my opinion

I begin to wander if it's mostly nature that makes us the personality types that we are.
N types do tend to think about things more than S types.
N types are affected by depression more than S types.
N is not S, which means it is not about concrete things, so it's not about memory data.
Like me, my memory cognitive function is Si, and because I am the type I am, that means it's the 3rd function out of 4, not my strongest at all.
You are an ENTJ, which means yours, which is Se, is also in the 3rd. This function is about being observant to all your immediate surroundings, and being able to remember that shit easily. Names, faces, these would be easily remember by S.
I just wander, if we are this way, due to what this article is talking about?