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 Topic: It's good to think - but not too much, scientists say

 (Read 2867 times)
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  • It's good to think - but not too much, scientists say
     OP - September 18, 2010, 11:51 PM

    This is very much me, I think a lot & my memory is crap  Cry 

    Is there anything to this, or is this just another bit of junk research?

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  • Re: It's good to think - but not too much, scientists say
     Reply #1 - September 19, 2010, 12:24 AM

    This is very much me, I think a lot

    Me too.

    & my memory is crap  Cry  

    Not sure about this bit.  Remembering names (of all kinds of stuff) is sometimes hard, though.

    I think more research needs to be done before any definitive conclusions are drawn. Smiley

    "Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so." -- Bertrand Russell

    Baloney Detection Kit
  • Re: It's good to think - but not too much, scientists say
     Reply #2 - September 19, 2010, 01:31 AM

    Dunno about this. I think a lot, and my memory is great. Afro

    The only thing we have to fear is fear itself
    - 32nd United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • Re: It's good to think - but not too much, scientists say
     Reply #3 - September 19, 2010, 01:39 AM


    This is really bad, just bad. If I can remember were this article is when the printer gets fixed I might have to print it and show the article to my neurologist.

    That is if I even care by my next appointment.

     parrot parrot parrot parrot parrot bunny parrot parrot parrot parrot bunny parrot parrot parrot parrot

    Actually I don't think I'll worry about it.  I'm glad that I'm not having headaches 4 or 5 times a week and that the little dancing things don't give me partial seizures anymore and I'm getting more language skills back.  dance dance dance

    If at first you succeed...try something harder.

    Failing isn't falling down. Failing is not getting back up again.
  • Re: It's good to think - but not too much, scientists say
     Reply #4 - September 19, 2010, 01:52 AM

    This is very much me, I think a lot & my memory is crap  Cry 

    Is there anything to this, or is this just another bit of junk research?

    Lol science research to take away my N?  I think not.

    It sounds just like me, but I've already applied my love for all things MBTI to it. (I could be wrong, but right now, it makes sense to me, feel free to change my opinion Tongue )

    I begin to wander if it's mostly nature that makes us the personality types that we are.

    N types do tend to think about things more than S types.

    N types are affected by depression more than S types.

    N is not S, which means it is not about concrete things, so it's not about memory data. 

    Like me, my memory cognitive function is Si, and because I am the type I am, that means it's the 3rd function out of 4, not my strongest at all.

    You are an ENTJ, which means yours, which is Se, is also in the 3rd.  This function is about being observant to all your immediate surroundings, and being able to remember that shit easily.  Names, faces, these would be easily remember by S.

    I just wander, if we are this way, due to what this article is talking about?

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: It's good to think - but not too much, scientists say
     Reply #5 - September 19, 2010, 02:05 AM

    I'm pretty sure the article is mainly talking about how you shouldn't brood too much like thinking negatively or worrying too much about the future or past.

    Lol science research to take away my N?  I think not.

    It sounds just like me, but I've already applied my love for all things MBTI to it. (I could be wrong, but right now, it makes sense to me, feel free to change my opinion Tongue )

    I begin to wander if it's mostly nature that makes us the personality types that we are.

    N types do tend to think about things more than S types.

    N types are affected by depression more than S types.

    N is not S, which means it is not about concrete things, so it's not about memory data. 

    Like me, my memory cognitive function is Si, and because I am the type I am, that means it's the 3rd function out of 4, not my strongest at all.

    You are an ENTJ, which means yours, which is Se, is also in the 3rd.  This function is about being observant to all your immediate surroundings, and being able to remember that shit easily.  Names, faces, these would be easily remember by S.

    I just wander, if we are this way, due to what this article is talking about?

    I do not know what you said  Huh?
  • Re: It's good to think - but not too much, scientists say
     Reply #6 - September 19, 2010, 02:52 AM

    Lol science research to take away my N?  I think not.
    It sounds just like me, but I've already applied my love for all things MBTI to it. (I could be wrong, but right now, it makes sense to me, feel free to change my opinion Tongue )
    I begin to wander if it's mostly nature that makes us the personality types that we are.
    N types do tend to think about things more than S types.
    N types are affected by depression more than S types.
    N is not S, which means it is not about concrete things, so it's not about memory data. 
    Like me, my memory cognitive function is Si, and because I am the type I am, that means it's the 3rd function out of 4, not my strongest at all.
    You are an ENTJ, which means yours, which is Se, is also in the 3rd.  This function is about being observant to all your immediate surroundings, and being able to remember that shit easily.  Names, faces, these would be easily remember by S.
    I just wander, if we are this way, due to what this article is talking about?

    Hey Berberella, wasn't there a thread some place else on this forum to take a test to figure out if you are an an S or an N or all those other intials you are using? I can remeber if i took the test or not. Or if it was something else. Oh well.

    If at first you succeed...try something harder.

    Failing isn't falling down. Failing is not getting back up again.
  • Re: It's good to think - but not too much, scientists say
     Reply #7 - September 19, 2010, 08:43 AM

    I can't believe we just used to call it introspection. I'll have to think about it and maybe get back to you.

    Religion is ignorance giftwrapped in lyricism.
  • Re: It's good to think - but not too much, scientists say
     Reply #8 - September 19, 2010, 08:50 AM

    I just wander, if we are this way, due to what this article is talking about?

    Thanks, you might be right & it does make me feel a bit better - and I certainly wouldnt want to swap my N for an S either, i could never deal with the boredom..

    My Book     news002       
    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: It's good to think - but not too much, scientists say
     Reply #9 - September 19, 2010, 03:29 PM

    Interesting stuff.
  • Re: It's good to think - but not too much, scientists say
     Reply #10 - September 22, 2010, 01:43 AM

    Hey Berberella, wasn't there a thread some place else on this forum to take a test to figure out if you are an an S or an N or all those other intials you are using? I can remeber if i took the test or not. Or if it was something else. Oh well.
  • Re: It's good to think - but not too much, scientists say
     Reply #11 - September 22, 2010, 04:37 AM

    my memory is crap  Cry 

    give this a try
  • Re: It's good to think - but not too much, scientists say
     Reply #12 - September 22, 2010, 07:12 AM

    Maybe the theists had it right all the time. Don't think just have faith!

    Another miracle of Muhammad - 1400 years ago he said it was better not to question (think) but accept only what was being revealed.

    Knowing Islam is the only true religion we do not allow propagation of any other religion. How can we allow building of churches and temples when their religion is wrong? Thus we will not allow such wrong things in our countries. - Zakir Naik
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