When asked this question on YouTube I could not help but play the guy up for a while. What good fun I had

@TheRationalizer You are witness, let me ask you will you submit to Allah swt and now pronouce the schahada, is someone there forcing you not to do it, tell me???
Yes, I am being forced not to take the Shahada
@Rationalizer how??? tell me how you are forced? Are you telling me you are no believer because you are controlled by a third power not letting you, that it is not your ratio making you to decide???
I am being forced by Pearl! Pearl is forcing me not to take the Shahada, if Pearl wasn't in my life I'd have taken it just like you already have!
@TheRationalizer have you been forced to let Pearl?? in your life, are you with Pearl without wanting it, or did you decide to be with Pearl even though you had the feeling she/he or what? forces you not to do something you wanted, because you say forced, which implies against your will???
I haven't always had Pearl in my life. Pearl came to me a couple of years ago whilst reading the Quran. Pearl slipped into my life and I think will now never go away. I don't think I could get Pearl out of my life now if I wanted to, but that's the thing, Pearl forces me to WANT Pearl in my life. My life is so wonderful and enlightening with Pearl in it, how could I ever let go of Pearl? Pearl stops me taking the Shahada, with Pearl it is impossible to take it!
@TheRationalizer I do not know hwat/who Pearl is but you made your decision in that you love it what you do so it is from your experience which is not forced on you since you decided and feel good, I feel good in my religion and made my decision we both have not been forced, we made up our decison, and Allah swt gives us situation we cannot determine , but you could determine to leave Pearl, the meeting was unavoidable but your decision is based on your will and so Koran speaks the truth.
Allah knew that PEARL would stop me from becoming a Muslim and yet Allah introduced PEARL into myself and there is no chance of PEARL ever going away now, PEARL is my life's blood, PEARL is my drug from which I do not want to be weaned.
I am not surprised you have not heard of Pearl, it is an acronym for Physical Evidence And Reasoned Logic. If I didn't have PEARL in my life then like yourself I would be a Muslim.