Muslim Parent-Child relationship
Muslim parents from the middle and elite class are converting their
own children into robots by forcing them to focus on material success only.
What is the most important responsibility of Muslim parents towards their children? Islamic Voice, in association with Trends Research and Analysis Center (TRAC) posed this question to around 151 Muslim parents of at least one adolescent child across Mumbai. Forty five per cent parents said, it is imparting quality education. 32 % said teaching them about Islamic values. 12 % parents said giving them better quality of life. 7% parents said identifying their talents and helping them to achieve excellence in them. 4 % parents said the most important responsibility towards children is teaching them about what is life and showing them the option between what is right and wrong and guiding them.
All the options are important. But unfortunately the last option which is the most important responsibility of the Muslim parents is often neglected by a substantial segment of the Muslim community. Parent- child relationship is the most important, but misunderstood bond, as substantial section of both parents and children are at
loggerheads with each other. Parents share enormous responsibility of teaching their children healthy habits, values, and attitudes about their lives. Parents need to discuss the choices children make in their life. Children need to understand that the choices they make in their life directly impact their future and hereafter and parents have a responsibility to teach them how to make right decisions.
Every child matters and every parent matters. But today, Muslim parents from the middle and elite class are themselves converting their own children into robots by forcing them to focus on material success only, even at the cost of values and faith. The survey also covered 204 Muslim adolescents between 13 to 19 years.
The questions posed to them were, ‘what are the major issues in relationship with their parents’. A whopping majority of 74% grownup children cited ‘infighting among parents’ as the most worrisome factor for them. According to psychiatrists, this often leads children to alcohol addiction or drugs abuse.
Children also cited ‘getting insulted at the hands of parents’ to be the cause of intense pain for them. 67 % of the children identified ‘parents neglecting issues like education, their home work and not taking them seriously. 64 % consider ‘parents force their choice on children’, as the most intense pain point. Many Muslim parents behave as if the children are their property and they are the legitimate owners. They foist their choices on their children. The result is that these children start hating their parents.
51 % children opine that ‘the use of derogatory language or words for children’s friends’ is the cause of intense pain. As for the positive factors in parent-child relationship, 89 % of the children opted love, affection, care and concern as the most important and essential for healthy and normal parent-child relationship. 65 % of the children said that parents connecting with them at their level was very crucial for maintaining healthy relationship. 59 % of the children expect their parents to teach them about various aspects of life in an affectionate way. 56 % of the children expect their parents to pardon their mistakes and teach them to differentiate between what is right and wrong. Lastly 54 % of the children expect their parents to motivate them, and pray for them for achieving success.
Muslim parents should take all the pain to protect their children from the fire of hell. First they have to differentiate between what is right and wrong and practise what is enshrined in the Quran. Then only, their children will discriminate between right and wrong and would be able to protect them from the fire of hell in the hereafter besides achieving success in this world.
And that is written by
M. Hanif Lakdawala who was quite active at ways, everything is Ok., I can tolerate most of the stuff in the article except those highlighted words..
I think Many Indian Muslims are good people with very bad reading/understanding of Quran and other Islamic literature