Strange it might sound, Osama bin Landen is a victim himself and for pure humanistic reasons, I do not approve of killing him. Like Saddam, Osama should have been brought to justice, fairly tried in a court of law and when found guilty, punished accordingly. Capital punishment, in my view, is wrong. Period
If he was not armed when the compound was raided, he didn't pose a threat to anyone, and it is hardly reasonable for anyone to say it is a moral propriety to kill an unarmed thug whilst it was possible to treat him according to western progressive standards, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
He was and is a victim in that he believed in the virgins after having had a taste with an 18 years old one, Amel. If his death was a cause of jubilation and wild street partying, then it would be short lived.
The rotten ideology this man promulgated for 28 years and materialized it militarily, when the rest of mainstream scholars appear to the hoi polloi in Middle East as co-conspirators and continuum to the Islamo-political miserable status quo, still exists.
Please please please do NOT watch the video below if you suffer from heart problems or with children. This Taliban man (who enters a bank and kills his brothers and sisters in cold blood, even women in the full hijab and old men) does not suffer from mental illnesses. He simply suffers from being subscribed to an evil and wicked ideology, political Islam. He dehumanised them first, as he said when caught, by believing they were kufar and then treated them as subhuman thereafter. Does it ring any bell with what happened in Germany?
The political Islam will always thrive because it is an integral part of sharia. It is for the claim of implementing political Islam that Islamic theocracies survive ― separating the deen from the law and saying don’t chop hands, don’t stone adulators would conclusively and effectively mean do not follow the verdict of Allah, ergo your Islam/belief gets swiftly questioned, something of a McCarthyist nature.
Those who seek to pacify sharia perennially hear fatwas telling them they are no longer Muslims and readily receive apostasy ruling i.e. their matrimonial contracts are no longer valid and their kill/hunt is not halal and they cannot receive inheritance from their parents, their testimony in law courts is less relied upon, they lose custody of their children etc. Not to forget the capital punishment for a crime of thought which awaits them after the three days of final ultimatum – who wouldn’t go back to Islam when their life is at stake? And Muslims sardonically claim there's no compulsion in Islam!!
Modern civilisation in its material manifestation and pro this life, as opposed to the nihilist nonsense called 'hereafter', laws CANNOT co-exist with the badly managed and revivalistic whims of political Islamists. Depending on the level of education, you would be surprised by the vastness of romanticist Muslims, pro the implementation of sharia in the Muslim World.
In my opinion, it explains why Western self-interested and expedient political leaders support the until-recently standing quasi-democratic countries in the Middle East; it is perchance the fear of the socially popular notion of bringing back political Islam amongst the populace, since the Pan-Arabism failed in 1960s onwards and which left a social black hole and a sense of national failure (or rather Umaah failure) akin to that of British National delusionists who cannot get over the fact that Britannia no longer rules the waves.