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  • Question: Does God Allow Hitting One's Wife?
  • Yes (even if it means lightly, with miswak etc...) - 28 (100%)
  • No, it means something else, (i.e. Leave them alone, strike a similitude etc...) - 0 (0%)
  • Total Voters: 28

 Topic: To All Muslims Here: Does God Allow Hitting One's Wife?

 (Read 26164 times)
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  • Re: To All Muslims Here: Does God Allow Hitting One's Wife?
     Reply #90 - March 22, 2010, 04:42 PM

    I've been studying "Islamic Feminism" and the conclusion I've come to is that this is one of the steps that leads Muslims (mainly female...) to finally leave Islam. Many of them are so at odds with the misogyny in the Qur'an and its patriarchal interpretation that they are trying to go back to the sources such as the ones posted above, read in 7th century language, know the contexts of the revelation etc etc.

    They also often say that if Allah didn't mean that men are superior to women in any way (and they don't think this can be the true message of Islam because considering oneself superior is a kind of shirk and anyway Allah prescribed justice and equality of treatment for all human beings), then they should find the true, original meaning. They also say that if they finally conclude that Allah DID mean that men are superior and women must submit and obey, they will accept that.

    But as they are Muslims fighting for what they perceive to be injustice to human beings, HOW can they sit back and accept that? Once they start to investigate the reality of Islam, I think they may begin to understand how far Muslims have been hoodwinked.

    IMHO, when people see an injustice, they react from a human level, not a religious one. Yet Islam seems to make people blind to this. When I read what's going on in Iranian jails and what Ayatollah Khomeini prescribed (e.g. thighing etc), I feel angry and sick. Normally, when I talk about this to Muslims I know, they are firstly disbelieving (it's western propaganda etc.), then they say, oh well, those are Shias and they're heretics and those things are unIslamic. When you show them the relevant hadith, they say - well, that's not a reliable source or was made up by Shias. When I ask why Islamic countries haven't ratified parts of the UN Declaration of Human Rights, they say that the Qur'an is ALL about human rights and Allah knows best, and if I'm saying women are treated injustly, I simply can't accept the divine truth and am arrogant.

    I've come to the conclusion that the more Muslims try to understand the Qur'an, the more likely they are to realise that it isn't clear at all - basically you have to be able to read the 7th century text and know in detail the social and other history. Many Islamic scholars say that translations are simply guidance, so how many millions of Muslims who don't speak Arabic aren't understanding Islam at all? And, if it can't be understood by the ordinary man and woman, what's the relevance?

    Not just, not clear, not relevant, not rational, not factual, divisive... I'm glad I'm not a Muslim

  • Re: To All Muslims Here: Does God Allow Hitting One's Wife?
     Reply #91 - March 22, 2010, 04:54 PM

    Great post Booktalker.  Afro

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: To All Muslims Here: Does God Allow Hitting One's Wife?
     Reply #92 - March 22, 2010, 08:32 PM

    I've been studying "Islamic Feminism" and the conclusion I've come to is that this is one of the steps that leads Muslims (mainly female...) to finally leave Islam. Many of them are so at odds with the misogyny in the Qur'an and its patriarchal interpretation that they are trying to go back to the sources such as the ones posted above, read in 7th century language, know the contexts of the revelation etc etc.

    They also often say that if Allah didn't mean that men are superior to women in any way (and they don't think this can be the true message of Islam because considering oneself superior is a kind of shirk and anyway Allah prescribed justice and equality of treatment for all human beings), then they should find the true, original meaning. They also say that if they finally conclude that Allah DID mean that men are superior and women must submit and obey, they will accept that.

    But as they are Muslims fighting for what they perceive to be injustice to human beings, HOW can they sit back and accept that? Once they start to investigate the reality of Islam, I think they may begin to understand how far Muslims have been hoodwinked.

    IMHO, when people see an injustice, they react from a human level, not a religious one. Yet Islam seems to make people blind to this. When I read what's going on in Iranian jails and what Ayatollah Khomeini prescribed (e.g. thighing etc), I feel angry and sick. Normally, when I talk about this to Muslims I know, they are firstly disbelieving (it's western propaganda etc.), then they say, oh well, those are Shias and they're heretics and those things are unIslamic. When you show them the relevant hadith, they say - well, that's not a reliable source or was made up by Shias. When I ask why Islamic countries haven't ratified parts of the UN Declaration of Human Rights, they say that the Qur'an is ALL about human rights and Allah knows best, and if I'm saying women are treated injustly, I simply can't accept the divine truth and am arrogant.

    I've come to the conclusion that the more Muslims try to understand the Qur'an, the more likely they are to realise that it isn't clear at all - basically you have to be able to read the 7th century text and know in detail the social and other history. Many Islamic scholars say that translations are simply guidance, so how many millions of Muslims who don't speak Arabic aren't understanding Islam at all? And, if it can't be understood by the ordinary man and woman, what's the relevance?

    Not just, not clear, not relevant, not rational, not factual, divisive... I'm glad I'm not a Muslim


    Great post  Afro

    Can you give me all the Shia hadiths you have found. I need to read more about it. I also read about Khomeini's thighing but I want to read the relevant hadiths.
  • Re: To All Muslims Here: Does God Allow Hitting One's Wife?
     Reply #93 - March 22, 2010, 08:44 PM

    Must be telepathy, I was just about to send a reply to your last one when you posted. Here's what I was going to say fisrt and I'll see what I can dig out about Mr Nice Guy


    Thanks Iblis! It took me a long time to get to that conclusion. Out of interest, as an ex-Muslim which I believe you are - I'm sure you've noticed the many "progressive/reformative/secular/revivalist" Islamic groups, like the feminists, who want to retain their faith but can't swallow the strict traditionalist message. Do you think that this change in viewpoint is as a result of Mulsims becoming influenced by "Western" thinking? Or do you think it's religious "progress", and that it's possible for Islam to be "modernised" without it being seen to be "corrupted"?  I wonder if you still see any positive aspects of Islam, or whether you would say that you don't have to be religious to be good.
  • Re: To All Muslims Here: Does God Allow Hitting One's Wife?
     Reply #94 - August 18, 2011, 07:13 PM


    (Someone asked me about wife hitting and I'ms sick of discussing it, so looked up this old thread and sent them the link. Frankly those who say it means "Leave them alone" blah blah... are delusional - and they know it - so reasoning with them won't help - like Omar Khayyam said: "Good luck to them!" - but just in case others are interested I did give a clear explanation here.)

  • Re: To All Muslims Here: Does God Allow Hitting One's Wife?
     Reply #95 - August 18, 2011, 07:48 PM

    btw this is from the site Whoman links to in his profile - a site called "Misconceptions About Islam"

    Misconception: Wife beating is allowed in The Quran

    Background: This topic is one of the most controversial regarding The Quran. The mainstream teaching is that it allows a husband to hit his wife as a last resort in specific circumstances. Some have argued that this means it sanctions domestic violence against women. Whilst this is the prevalent view, even amongst Muslims, it is mired in many flaws, which will be discussed below.

    The first and perhaps most important point to mention is that this view is based only upon the use of one word in chapter 4, verse 34 of The Quran shown below:

    The men are supporters/maintainers of the women with what God preferred/bestowed on some of them over others and with what they spent of their money, so the righteous women are dutiful/obedient; guardians/protectors to the unseen with what God guarded/protected. And as for those women you fear their uprising/disloyalty, then you shall advise them, and (then) abandon them in the bed, and (then) idriboo them. If they obeyed you, then seek not against them a way; Truly, God is High, Great. [4:34]
    And if you (authority) feared a rift between them two, then appoint a judge from his family and a judge from hers. If they both want to reconcile, then God will bring agreement between them. God is Knowledgeable, Expert. [4:35]
    The Arabic word idriboo is commonly translated as hit/beat/strike, however the flaws with this understanding are as follows:

    The derivative idriboo is formed from one of the most multiple meaning and diversely used words (DaRaBa) in the Arabic language, and is used in several ways in The Quran itself.
    There is not one clear occurrence of this word meaning "beat" anywhere else in The Quran, and in almost all cases, this meaning is problematic or would not make sense.
    No Classical Arabic (the language The Quran is written in) dictionary gives the meaning of "beat" in a comparable example and none reference 4:34 at all.
    When The Quran uses this word to mean a literal/physical strike/hit, the preposition "bi" (with/by) is always used, but there is no such use in 4:34.
    This understanding causes internal contradictions within The Quran, and this is also probably why no commentator, past or present, uses The Quran itself to justify this view.
    There is no consensus amongst traditional commentators on the origin and interpretation of this verse, except on perhaps the basic points.
    If "beat/strike" is chosen, it would cause inconsistencies amongst Traditional Hadith (narrations) and Classical Arabic dictionaries, which show a variance in view.
    It contradicts the alleged reaction of prophet Muhammad to wife beating, in which he is reportedly to have found it unjust and said woman have the right to retaliate. The traditional story goes that he was over ruled by 4:34, apparently.

    The evidence from The Quran suggests the correct meaning of the word in this case would be "cite" or "indicate" them to the authority, hence authority involvement in 4:35. This also fits in with its usage elsewhere with direct objects.

    It is strongly recommended to weigh and consider the following study which presents a very detailed and comprehensive analysis of the claim of wife beating and domestic violence in Islam ( It also notes that the vast majority take it to mean hit/strike/beat with varying degrees of application.


    1. Can you tell me what the verse means then?

    2. Do you understand Arabic?

    3. Didn't you claim to be an ex-Muslim?

    4. Why the fuck am I bothering?

  • Re: To All Muslims Here: Does God Allow Hitting One's Wife?
     Reply #96 - August 18, 2011, 08:05 PM

    Thanks for clearing this up Hassan. Now I hope that all Muslims understand this like you did and stop beating up their wifes. I am not very optimistic about that, however.

    Religion is organized superstition
  • Re: To All Muslims Here: Does God Allow Hitting One's Wife?
     Reply #97 - August 19, 2011, 11:05 AM

    Hass FTW!  grin12
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