This intro sums them up really well.
This list of questions is depressing, not because they are difficult - any intermediate level biology student should be able to answer them with no more than a moments thought - but because they reveal the depths of ignorance, dishonesty and credulous stupidity on which Creationism relies. The questioner, apparently in all seriousness, believes these are difficult, killer knock-down questions which will challenge even the best of evolutionary biologists. Either that, or he imagines his target audience is that dishonest, ignorant and credulously stupid.
It would be funny, if it weren't so representative of so many semi-literate and willfully ignorant, yet politically active and dangerous individuals. These questions tell us a great deal about the cavalier approach of Creationists to truth and honesty.
Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West.