So I was just thinking of something I haven't thought about for many years. Probably because I've repressed the memory for so long. Going to madrasa i.e. Islamic class whilst I was growing up here in the UK. For 7 years of my childhood, 2 hours a day, I had to read the qu'ran and learn about Islam from Imams/Ustads who usually came from Pakistan/Arabia and well... let's just say weren't accustomed to how things worked here and brought their own ways with them. Making a mistake in reciting the qu'ran and getting beat up for it was not uncommon. It wasn't until recently actually that I realized it was a salafi madrasa. We were taught really ridiculous things like not drawing humans, wearing trousers above the ankles and although it was never explicity stated, we were taught not to mix with non-muslims and to hate them. I was an inquisitive child and so although what they taught during my formative years could have affected me, luckily it didn't. Anyway, please share your experiences of madrasa.
P.S has anyone heard of the whole wearing your trousers above your ankles? I've seen a few hadith saying "save your ankles frm the hell-fire". What does this mean?