Hi everyone
Not sure how to start.. I'm an Asian "agnostic muslim(i guess?)" guy.
I've been looking for a place like this because over the past few years, I've been slowly questioning my faith from small stuff like:
"why aren't we allowed to listen to music?"
"Why are non-believers classed as filthy, despite being just like us? Aren't they also god's creation?"
Unfair rights to women
and the lack of freedom to big stuff like:
"Why will a merciful god create a horrible place like hell?"
"How can a merciful god send his own creation to burn for eternity?"
"How is god perfect if he does not know what we will do in our so-called test?"
I've got a lot more detail to add but I'll say more on the Ex-muslims blogs and bios section.
Anyway, great to meet you all and I hope to stick around this forum