Look, I'll save you the time and effort.
Evolution is a fact. This is not a n opinion. It is a fact of life, the unvierse and everything. It is a univeral principle.
The Qur'an in no way, shape or form refers to nor indicates that we, as a species, share a common ancestor with ALL living things (let alone primates). In fact, the Qur'an argues the opposite (that Jews were turned to pigs and apes). You'd think that an almighty creator would've atleast included this, the most improtant aspect of being human, our descent with modification viz-a-viz ancestors, in the Qur'an and spent a substantive amount of time on it rather than litter His Holy Book with lavish description of Paradise and barbaric descriptions of Hell Fire and other myths and fairytales that can NEVER be observed, experimented upon nor replicated. But evolution, yeah Allah dropped tha ball majorly on that one.
He's like the worst storyteller in history!
Jedi, you are amazing! To add on though, He didn't just drop the ball, since it is very clear that the stories in the Qur'aan, coupled with the explanations in the reliable hadith, also contradict this fact. Cha Ching!