Did dawah monkeys impress you as a Muslim?Answer: No.... But this one does impress me in fact it is much better than dawah monkeys., at least It is working and helping his owner unlike dawah monkeys
Britain’s welfare state under threat writes Irfan Husain and he says
..............The idea behind the plot was to blame Philpott’s lover for starting the fire, and once she was arrested, take custody of her children. Philpott had fathered 17 children, and collected benefits for them. According to some reports, he raked in a total of over 50,000 pounds annually, and had not worked in years.
After he had been found guilty of manslaughter and sentenced to life imprisonment, the right-wing media had a field day, accusing the welfare state of encouraging such behaviour.
The Times has called for child benefits to be limited to two kids per family. If this reform is carried out – and it seems to have widespread support — it would badly affect Muslims who tend to have large families...............
well sure that Anjum monkey of London has to learn to dance to make some money for his bread and butter..