I was at the local Tesco to buy a small bottle of gin before the store closes. I didn't think I'd see anyone at this time but when I turned around I saw a local Muslim guy behind me just staring with an odd look.
He lives just opposite my parents' house but isn't really on speaking terms. However I'm kinda concerned because I know how close-knit communities (Asian) behave, I.e., they talk/gossip and word gets around.
Any advice/suggestions?
Sorry for any mistakes this is from my phone.
Final Fantasy - You be smart. You rehearse the exact same story but in your story he was buying the alcohol, (you may or may not add some bullshit like you gave him a look, like you might tell his family!)
If and when next dude is seen near your place or unbeknownst to you has actually told your family (the never do though , do they, they tell other people) you hit back rehearsed/polished truth that it was him who bought the alcohol and he has only grassed you up as to pre-empt your possible action). Right this makes sense to me, as I write it, you ask for further clarification because it will work. It might not totally exonerate you but gives you wriggle-room, gives your parents time (maybe they won't want to believe it of their son/they like your denials that you don't drink to save face with others), you could get off with reasonable doubt.
You know I have just watched Breaking Bad tonight. Lol