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 Topic: The Arab Spring & The Khilafah Rising AGAIN!... Khilafah...Khilafah Palestine

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  • The Arab Spring & The Khilafah Rising AGAIN!... Khilafah...Khilafah Palestine
     OP - January 15, 2012, 06:50 PM

    The Arab Spring & The Khilafah Rising AGAIN!... Khilafah...Khilafah  Palestine ..

    well let us cry..Ummmaahhhhhhhhhhhhhha..ummmmaaaaaaaaaaaa...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The Arab Spring & The Khilafah Rising AGAIN!... Khilafah...Khilafah Palestine
     Reply #1 - July 04, 2014, 12:34 PM

    Today, Dawn publishes and article  on that Arab Spring and Its failures  from  Aasim Sajjad Akhtar, a great guy  and a faculty member  at  QAU,  Islamabad with a heading   "Kingdoms of Gods" Let me read some nuggets from him on that Arab spring failure

    well read the  colors of the map from wiki
    It  is remarkable to think that it has been only a couple of years since the world was raving about the so-called Arab Spring. Commentators all over the world were predicting an end to decades of ignominy and suffering for a proud and historic region while the Arab peoples themselves experienced feelings of euphoria as a post-dictatorship generation came of age.
    Even the most chronic pessimists could not have known that spirits would fall so far, so fast. The symbolic nerve centre of the movement, Egypt, is back in the clutches of the generals; Syria and Libya are facing the fallouts of Western-backed ‘regime change’ interventions; and the countries of the Maghreb are at best looking forward to another era of mediocrity and elite privilege.

    In truth, the peaceful ‘civil society’ movements that were at the heart of ‘Arab Spring’ folklore were conspicuous by their absence in most of these countries. Which means to say that the whole narrative of an Arab resurrection was greatly overblown to begin with.

    ......And then there is Iraq, where there was no spring to speak of. If the spontaneous movements in Egypt, Tunisia and the like have simply fizzled out in the face of resilient structures of power, in Iraq an ostensibly ‘new’ set of structural arrangements masterminded by the world’s most powerful country have imploded spectacularly.  The Iraqi debacle has precipitated a great deal of comment about the utter failure of American policy in that country, and the region at large. Add to recent developments in Iraq the withdrawal of a majority of American troops from Afghanistan after a decade of relative futility and Washington’s claims to be doing the Muslim world a civilising favour stand hopelessly exposed......

    All told, the Arab region appears to be much worse off than a decade or so ago, the hopes and dreams of regime-changers and Tahrir Square activists alike up in flames. Except in the Gulf kingdoms, that is. The ‘bastions of Islam’ are in fact doing better than ever.

    ......The Gulf kingdoms are arguably Washington’s closest allies in the Muslim world. How, then, can one take seriously the notion that American policy in the region has ‘failed’? Yes, a great deal of time and money has been spent to secure in Iraq and other countries a modicum of peace that most commentators consider necessary for corporate America’s further investment in the region. And yes, the ‘terrorists’ are alive and well......

    But given that Washington’s best friends in the Gulf are shameless totalitarians, who really believed all the hype about ‘freedom’ and ‘our way of life’ anyway? Washington has been spouting such rhetoric for the best part of two centuries and its actual conduct has never matched its claims. As regards the imperative of establishing peace so as to extract natural resources without risk, making permanent war in faraway places is at least as profitable for American companies and the media industry.

     Those commentators who continue to call militant Islamists obsolete remnants of a pre-modern era should not forget that the latter are very much modern creations of Empire and Muslim states. Neither the US nor any other state that can be called a protagonist in the wider Muslim region is opposed to Islamists or Islamism in any principled sense.

    Meanwhile, we in Pakistan would do well to remember that Washington has been vocally demanding a military offensive in North Waziristan for at least two years now. Pakistani generals bred on the largesse of the Pentagon have acceded, but the Americans are not being fooled into thinking that GHQ has once and for all abandoned its prized strategic assets.

    And why would they? The Americans continue to support the far-right militants taking on anti-US state elites in much of the Arab world, and prop up the most reactionary regimes in the rest. It would appear that the idea of the ahl-i-kitab propagated by Zia and Reagan is far from dead.

    I agree with all that what  Akhtar said  but what he is missing in his article is "The Role of Islam"  and  Islamic MERCHANTS in that Spontaneous Arab Spring., And he is also wrong with his heading "Kingdoms of Gods" ., All these Islamic Kingdoms in so-called "Arab Lands"  are the Direct effect of "Islamic Feudalism" that is built in to the religion in the name of Caliphs .. They are NOT KINGDOMS OF GODS...  They are kingdoms of  Islamic Gods,  and they are the direct products of the rules of Islam...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
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