Paul Bilal Williams Apostasy
Reply #5 - March 26, 2014, 09:33 AM
wow! It's another white public school boy who realised at a very young age that the vagina of a french girl can do very naughty things to a man's mind, and hence he found solace in the disciplinarian aspects of islam.
Well, Mr. Williams, allow me to break it to you: I have never met such a dim, fatuous and unscrupulous man in my life. There are much more rewarding ways to circumvent sexual desire don't you know! But seen as you are the epitome of utter stupidity I'll elucidate. And I pray that my fucking dog doesn't meet someone even stupider.
Now, mr. Williams, in order to dispense with wanting to attack a poor hapless french female (hey, you could be the next Jimmy Savile in the making, gotta have all bases covered) you go back to the religion of your childhood, parents and ancestors. You've heard of Jesus, right? Well according to your reignited faith he died for the sins of all believers. So in theory, and according to christian logic, death must be something sublime. I also know something else that is sublime. Food. My proposition goes a little somethin' like dis: you eat christians for breakfast, lunch and dinner against their own will. It is absolutely crucial that you make sure they are coerced, otherwise you will not be a paragon of christian logic and virtue. Suicide is very bad and apparently jesus won't luv u in da next lyf. I also hasten to add that this is a very economical way of killing someone, so you won't need to worry about guns and that. because I can read what's in your numbskull head, you dolt. Don't worry about the taste, it tastes like pork (apparently) which is fucking bland anyway, but you'd know a lot more about that, seen as you don't possess the luxury of eating brown man delicacies such as sheeps head soup, raw meat kofta and lamb intestines. Yum. I'm already salavating.
Once you've acculturated to your new lifestyle it is absolutely imperative that you establish a cult to propagate this most holy of practices and then get arrested, in that precise order. That's only two tasks, but you may be inclined to see them as a million. I'm sure that you're totes disappointed. Anyway, you'll be doing all of us a favour. The christians will be happy, the population matters movement will be overjoyed and may even shriek with ecstatic orgasmic jouissance, us beautiful freethinking people will sigh contentedly as your cult slightly lessens the amount of stupidity in the world, and most important of all, you'll be behind bars and thus won't be able to attack poor hapless french females. It's a win win situation.
You can thank me later, mr. Williams. Just don't ever fucking grace me with your presence again pretty boy.