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 Topic: Home

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     OP - October 12, 2014, 10:59 AM

    Reading Francis Pryor Home A time traveller's tale from Britain's Prehistory.  I strongly recommend it! The book is not directly about the following, these ideass are where it has led my thinking.

    The discussion touches on the Egyptian hierarchical ways - with kings buried with their slaves, contrasted with the new stone age basically communal family based societies of Europe.  

    Interestingly it seems we should worship  smiths and their descendants - engineers and scientists!  Priests based on impractical theologies is hierarchical Egyptian, Persian Empire thinking!

    We have lost our way.  The true religion is to worship one's ancestors and the powerful things in nature around us - like the magick of the woman giving birth!

    I think Islam, with its one god  is at heart Egyptian and Hierarchical - it means submission!  

    It has caused mayhem in family relationships - as evidenced continually by threads here - because it makes extremely difficult pragmatic, let's work things out together solutions, like inventing your own rituals and gods together, showing love and concern for another.  These are formalised into charity and given brownie points to get to heaven, instead of just doing things!

    The author is a sheep farmer as well as archaeologist, and notes how sheep actually recognise and look for their family members.  

    Humans are also mammals.  We are well able to care for each other.  We do not need religions and authorities to tell us how to do this!

    The author continually emphasises that the tasks of everyday living were not divided into male and female but were done by anyone available and with the skills.

    Islam is fascinating as it is arguably the super one god religious model, the grand prix version!  The rules about women worth half of a man, for example,  is not how we lived quite well for thousands of years!

    When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.

    A.A. Milne,

    "We cannot slaughter each other out of the human impasse"
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