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 Topic: Atheists Have the Right to Criticize Religion

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  • Atheists Have the Right to Criticize Religion
     OP - December 11, 2016, 07:35 PM

    Wherever they are from in the world, people arrive at humanism in a variety of ways. Sometimes it is because some demand of social justice or human rights seems only to be met completely, without tension or contradiction, by humanist ethics. Sometimes it is because immersion in mythology and the classics, or philosophy or anthropology, lifts us above the fray of competing religions. Sometimes it is science, providing an alternative picture of the world, over, above, and better than religious conceptions. Often all this and more might be involved in someone's journey to humanism, but its clear from his writings where Avijit Roy fell on the spectrum. He had a clear-eyed, almost child-like enthusiasm and wonder at the world science reveals, as well as its rational methods and its speculative future.

    But it must not be forgotten, either, that when the backlash against "atheist bloggers" began in earnest, with the murder of Ahmed Rajib Haider and the attempted murder of Asif Mohiuddin in 2013, that Avijit Roy stepped up to the plate, to defend free expression and call for the protection of other bloggers' rights. He championed their cause and that of all the Mukto-mona and other freethinking, humanist and atheist writers, academics and activists who suddenly found themselves at hugely, horribly increased risk. He contacted and worked with us at IHEU that same year and he reached out to many other human rights groups besides. He was, I think, painfully aware how real the risk was, including to himself.

    We must be careful to avoid, as some media and the government have sometimes failed to avoid, adopting the assumptions and language of the very people carrying out these murders. Islamists identify the bloggers they have killed "anti-Islamic" and "atheist", as if that is justification to kill them, as if criticising political forces and expressing non-religious views is inherently wrong. If media use "atheist" as if it is a self-evident explanation for their deaths, and Sheikh Hasina cites "hurting religious sentiments" as if it were a self-evident moral outrage, this only emboldens and legitimizes the forces of murder and oppression. We must affirm: yes we may write about our strong dissent from Islamism, yes we may write about our non-religious views, our atheist critique of religion, and more than that - like Avijit Roy - we will write about science, we will champion human rights, we will be enthused and inspiring and true. We will advocate our humanist values and ideas. We will defend and we will use our free expression. And no, we will not be told that we have done something wrong in speaking, in writing, in advocating our views.
  • Atheists Have the Right to Criticize Religion
     Reply #1 - December 27, 2016, 03:20 PM

    Very true. We cannot be silenced by the man made religion that teaches us to believe in heaven, hell and afterlife and in praying to the unseen or non existant.
  • Atheists Have the Right to Criticize Religion
     Reply #2 - December 27, 2016, 08:52 PM

    Victory in Britain

    Church And State Should Be Separate Because Britain Is No Longer A Christian Country, Says Report

    I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
  • Atheists Have the Right to Criticize Religion
     Reply #3 - July 25, 2020, 02:31 PM

    I had a post on interpals, where I searched penpals. I also wrote there in my profile that any religions can be criticized and the critics published in a book, especially islam. But then muslims wrote me: Why do you attack islam? So the logic I will never accept. That is illogical. I have not such an experience with christians yet. Disliking christian religion does not lead to illogical thinking, christians would be attacked. I hate this point on islam people escpecially.

    I search for people who accept my faith in Jesus being God. But who also are not religious stupid fanatics, book fanatics (like bible and Quaran) or afraid of criticizing islam. I want to fight for freedom in Europe. I do not know how to do it, because I am christian orthodox, and history showed that christian orthodox people are used to be opressed by islam.... so they do not fight and you do not have to damage church reputation. So I am between the fronts, between the fights..... but I will always say my opinion towards islam. It is my right to disklike islam, like to dislike Scientology(the religious group). And I do not feel attacked or hurted or arrogant if somebody does not like christianity! This is a real deal with muslims, real deal. Their behaviour can not be criticized. If you do you are concidered being a racist.
  • Atheists Have the Right to Criticize Religion
     Reply #4 - July 26, 2020, 01:17 PM

    I had a post ........................

    hello Besty..... Hello Frendy...... Hello Christy....  Hello Thirsty ....

    Just kidding ...  welcome to the DARK WEB dear  BestyFriendy., Should I change that nick to CHRISTIAN FRIENDLY?? or The Best Friendly ..or Your Best Friend....    something like that..

    with best wishes

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Atheists Have the Right to Criticize Religion
     Reply #5 - July 30, 2020, 10:08 PM

    What do you not like in BestyFriendy? Smiley
  • Atheists Have the Right to Criticize Religion
     Reply #6 - January 22, 2022, 09:15 PM

    I don't know if it's just forgetfulness due to a lull in attacks but I have the sense that islam is receding in significance in the developed world.

    Or maybe I've become bored of muslims and want something else to think about in the coming decade? It would be nice if they would quietly enter the dustbin of history and let me get on with things.
  • Atheists Have the Right to Criticize Religion
     Reply #7 - February 02, 2022, 01:25 AM

    I'll never got bored of Muslim propagandists, they can be good fun in an argument, or at least those who want an argument.

    I think Europeans (with the possible exception of the French) have got the message by now that you do not depict blasphemous cartoons of Muhammad, not even to bring them up in an academic environment. Personally it's the quietness that gives me more pause for concern...

    At least Islamic State has been defeated in the Middle East which dominated headlines in the mid 2010s, and they helped spark the migration crisis in Europe. But West Africa is a concern and the West has to rely on the good word of the Taliban that IS/Al Qaeda don't reconstitute a base that is used to launch attacks internationally.
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