Sometimes you like to see justice and sometimes you like to see mercy. They are just different facets of your personality.
Again you are comparing God against man. Again you are using human concepts - like personality and applying to God who exists beyond all human concepts. There is nothing like him - he claims.
You can't have it both ways!
Yes he claims these things for himself and in islamic theology it says that he has mercy and justice, but it's unlike ours.
You can't it have it both ways!
We only have some idea of it due to our limits.
He created us with those limits. So it's not our fault not understanding is it? So it's not justice to torture humans for being limited.
Again, we are on trial not him.
But we have Free Will we can put him on Trial. And we find him Guilty of being a Tyrant, A Divine Despot and a Sadist.
Case Closed :-)