Someone suggested me to share my experience with people about how conversion started. When first time thoughts occurred in my mind and how it made me a critical thinker?
I hope some of you guys ll be willing to share your insight as well.
Here is how it started for me.
I was in my Business communication class and lecturer asked a straight forward question that "What is cheapest and most effective way of marketing including positive and negative marketing?"
Everyone shared their thoughts but nobody could come up with the answer which lecturer had in mind. After a while he told us that religion is best tool to market any thing. If somehow one can involve religion in the whatever one's selling and it ll become brand from product in no time. Then he started quoting examples but my mind stopped there and i couldn't help but think about an example which was quoted to me before but with different context. I was convinced that it is really true.
Back in 2000 Pepsi was market leader with 85% market share in Pakistan beverage industry with coke standing at 10% and other brands at 5%. So coke needed some really strong marketing strategy to capture the market share. A rumour was spread during that time though I am not sure either this speculation was started from beverage giant or by some other source but it somehow convinced people that PEPSI stands for PAY EVERY PENNY TO SAVE ISRAEL and people started to boycott pepsi.(i guess most of you people know the reasons of hating israel so i think i don't need to state the obvious) In few months coke share rose from 10 to 15% and somehow they kept on increasing till date. After that many things kept on happening but i think that was the time when for the first time i thought that religion is being used as tool to achieve certain targets. And it can be used to manipulate people.

Thanks and please share your stories as well.