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 Topic: Does these news of today anything to do with up-bringing in faiths

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  • Does these news of today anything to do with up-bringing in faiths
     OP - December 29, 2016, 12:41 PM

    Brother allegedly murders mother of four in suspected 'honour killing'

    A mother of four was allegedly killed by her brother in a suspected 'honour killing' Thursday in the Loung Gopang village near Kot Diji of Khairpur district, Sindh, police sources said.

    Police sources claimed that Ghulam Hussain Gopang confessed to the murder upon his arrest.

    Gopang said he was motivated to commit the crime on the suspicion that his sister was in an illicit relationship with a local man, police claimed.

    The woman's husband, Maher Gopang, did not comment on his wife's murder.


    Girl injured for sake of ‘honour’ dies

    VEHARI: A 17-year-old girl, who was shot and injured by her uncle a few days back for the sake of ‘honour’, died at the Nishtar Hospital in Multan on Tuesday night.

    Luddan SHO Rana Khalid said that Zahoor of Chak-55KB suspected that his niece had an affair with a boy of the same village.

    He said that suspect Zahoor had committed the crime on the instigation of victim’s grandfather Ghulam Muhammad.

    The SHO said police had arrested both suspects Zahoor and Ghulam Muhammad and registered a murder case against them.

    British woman 'sex slave for 13 years'   BBC News

    Victims of slavery can be British - the story of one such woman is told in the memoir 'Sex Slave.' Under the pseudonym Anna Ruston, she writes about meeting a taxi driver she calls Malik when she was 15.

    He was kind to her but when she went to his house expecting to meet his family, she was held captive and subjected to sadistic sexual and psychological abuse for the next 13 years. Eventually she managed to escape.

    She says the police later asked her to give a statement, but she refused because she feared for her life. She speaks to our reporter Samantha Haque - her words re-voiced to protect her identity.

     well  listen to  her  what she says  at that link


    Brother'skill,   uncles kills,   Sex slaves...............  that is the  news today..,  Does  any of today's news    to do anything  with faiths and misogyny in upbringing of children faith??

    I don't know  I don't care............

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Does these news of today anything to do with up bringinging in faiths
     Reply #1 - December 30, 2016, 06:59 PM

    A mother of four was allegedly killed by her brother in a suspected 'honour killing' Thursday in the Loung Gopang village near Kot Diji of Khairpur district, Sindh, police sources said.

    Police sources claimed that Ghulam Hussain Gopang confessed to the murder upon his arrest.

    Gopang said he was motivated to commit the crime on the suspicion that his sister was in an illicit relationship with a local man, police claimed.

    The woman's husband, Maher Gopang, did not comment on his wife's murder.

    Well both faith and society is to be blamed. Certain faith restricts and sets moral conducts for you. At large, the society accepts these code of conduct and behaves in that way. So, this brother;'s honour killing may have been triggered by blindly following the 'code of conduct regulated by faith. It is indeed a sad news. This shows how backward our society is and how violent. So many actions are taken without a second thought
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