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 Topic: Muslim excuses for apostasy

 (Read 2805 times)
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  • Muslim excuses for apostasy
     OP - March 10, 2018, 11:55 AM

    I'm starting to find it old that Muslims claim that apostasy was just implemented at a certain time to defend the Muslims community from traitors and only apostates who combine their apostasy with treason will be killed. However many Hadiths show apostates being killed for no other reason other then disbelief in Islam itself. And if that were the case why does most of the Islamic world continue punishing apostasy with death, prison, and torture. They try to say oh but many countries still punish treason with death. No one equates treason with unbelief in a religion in the modern world except Muslims, so there is no comparison between political treason and apostasy from a belief set.
  • Muslim excuses for apostasy
     Reply #1 - March 10, 2018, 12:05 PM

    I'm starting to find it old that Muslims claim that apostasy was just implemented at a certain time to defend the Muslims community from traitors and only apostates who combine their apostasy with treason will be killed. However many Hadiths show apostates being killed for no other reason other then disbelief in Islam itself. And if that were the case why does most of the Islamic world continue punishing apostasy with death, prison, and torture. They try to say oh but many countries still punish treason with death. No one equates treason with unbelief in a religion in the modern world except Muslims, so there is no comparison between political treason and apostasy from a belief set.

    Well fools can say many things to fool people., If  I here that  from Islam preachers IN EVERY MOSQUE  ACROSS THE GLOBE ..  and   delete all  that blasphemy junk from hadith and Quran..then I believe it

    Other wise rascals are trying to fool gullible  non-muslim folks who may have soft corner towards  nonviolent  Muslim  folks  who  use Islam as a faith.. just faith for after life

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Muslim excuses for apostasy
     Reply #2 - March 10, 2018, 12:19 PM

    The Hadiths which are described as accurate and Sahih clearly show apostates were killed for the sake of apostasy itself not because of treason or anything of the bullshit Islamic apologists say.
  • Muslim excuses for apostasy
     Reply #3 - March 10, 2018, 12:37 PM

    The Hadiths which are described as accurate and Sahih clearly show apostates were killed for the sake of apostasy itself not because of treason or anything of the bullshit Islamic apologists say.

    true  but  but  what does this mean   "described as accurate and Sahih "    dear  Mishael?

    what is accurate in faith?  after all it is faith just faith
    what is Sahih in faith?  after all it is faith just faith
    who scribed it?  after all it is faith just faith
    and who describes it as accurate and Sahih?  after all it is faith just faith
    and what is the goal in writing posts against a faith here in CEMB dear Mishael?

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
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