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 Topic: Ex muslims you are not alone

 (Read 4695 times)
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  • Ex muslims you are not alone
     OP - September 02, 2017, 09:50 PM

    I know I shouldn't be online talking about my miserably life but I have no where left to hide but on an other side I am very happy ro realise that I have people who are on the same path as me. I am 22 years old from Tanzania (the worst muslim siciety to be an ex-muslim) I am living brutal life phyisically and emotional with no hope of better. My family is my number one enemy after I left family disowned me about 5 years and a half ago, I left islam because of the contradictions blindly superstitions and the disgusting beliefs on how to treat people who are not muslims and women. I suffer from the heavy depression about two months ago to this day as results of what been going on in my life and yeah... Im using medications
    My situation is very very bad I have lost the hope of the future already my life is about being attacked, beaten up by my own biological father and brother that left me with miltiple permanent injuries but somewhere somehow I know I'm breaking down, becoming slave to Islam. I cannot imagine how ex Muslims (specifically females) from stricter regions or with stricter parents like me  are feeling.
    When I was a teen in my earlier 15-16
    I was struggling to stay positive, every minute was difficult for me. I felt like I have a rope around my neck and that rope was islam. Situation has been making me stresseeeeed. I felt like I have huge container on my shoulders and chest, sleep is what I look forward to until I decided to leave it back and then my father was telling me. how the swahaba struggled and so did Mohammed. They struggled for their fairy tale book beliefs and they won with violence because they were fighting for their hereafter lives jannah, really broooo?. Its absolutely disgusting that Islam is used as a way to scare you into believing. the constant threats of hellfire, torture in the grave, non muslims live crappy lives, etc
    No matter African/European/Asian and American ex Muslims  I believe that we are all struggling every day (may be not in same ways but close, could be fighting phyisically war with your family, depression for not feeling unaccepted if you ever express your belief.....) all struggles happening to us just because we don't believe in the fairy tale book anymore, we are peaceful, we speak and we are tortured. We are not hurting anyone. Why can't those Muslims see it? Why does freedom of speech only apply to. Them? Why are they treated like sensitive little kids, if we criticize muslims belief  in a professional manner they do all these things. They're like kids with special needs. Seriously they should have their own continent and do what they like. They are harming others, they don't want to adapt with others. Anti-social behavior I'm sure there are people with the same beliefs as us that can't even go online out of fear. Something has to change, we need to be heard.
  • Ex muslims you are not alone
     Reply #1 - September 03, 2017, 12:46 AM

    Yes you are right, about all of it. I am terribly sorry for your troubles there. I wish I knew some agency to direct you to, as I do for people in my country. I encourage you not to give up. Don't stop looking for a way to make a life, and gain skills wherever possible to work towards your freedom from abuse.
    We all understand here how tenuous our position is. I am glad you are here, among friends.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Ex muslims you are not alone
     Reply #2 - September 03, 2017, 10:41 AM

    ..............I am 22 years old from Tanzania ................................

    I am fairly certain Hassan family must have migrated from Indian subcontinent to to African continent some time in 19th or 20th century.,  

     dear Hassan05  you are too young to get in to this religious mud., Forget what happened or what is happening because you left Islam but Please focus on your education/future which will support your financial needs  independent of family/parents  support .

    Just to rant.,   come to the forums like CEMB but your focus for next 5 or 10 years must be on standing on your own feet.. It may be hard but best thing to do is joining some university in a foreign country and focusing on your education...

    with best wishes

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Ex muslims you are not alone
     Reply #3 - September 03, 2017, 11:14 AM

    Hi yeezevee I have tried to  join university in a foreign countries and it never worked because I can't take care if myself financially
     I m half Somali and half Tanzania. Thank you for your kind words I have a lots behind  giving up. I grew up motivated and started thinking out of the box at young age. When I was a year old I was diagnosed with polio which disabled right leg forever! I have never had chance to walk with my legs without using crutches. Growing up with disability even though was very hard but I grew up motivated, I removed ‘’DIS’’ in ‘’DISABILITY’’ and Ii got “Ability” My life motto says “My disability is not my ability” but since i left Islam being disowned by my family it been life been tough for real, As a young man walking  in crutches I have been always scared of life, scared to sit on the streets begging for coins, scared to be in the place where I can’t even buy toothpaste on my own, scared to be a dad who can’t provide for his family (in future).
    I joined school with a dream to become successful photographer  regardless my disability I had a dream just like any other kid, we all have dreams, don’t we? These types of dreams come from deep inside, and they inspire us to do and be better. They offer us significance, legacy, and a life well lived. They put our mark on the world and prove that what we do matters. Even christians who tried to help me they did by hoping that they could use me as the church tool which I didn't like.
    Every person is born to pursue them; but, unlike the childhood dreams that are fantastical and out of reach, these dreams absolutely can come true. I know because I have seen people living the proof. After being disowned I couldnt continue my studies I tried and completed my high school. I wrestled myself and knocked on every door looking for opportunities to move out of this hell country for me , I did my best and nothing works
    As a guy with disability, The struggles I face in life are challenging, since i was a kid i can tell you that I havs never seen myself being limited by my disabilities. Instead, I always viewed my self that I have different abilities that play important roles within my communities and work environments. Though people would doubt my abilities, but I would often prove them wrong about my capabilities. But this  everything seems to be going left I cant handle this pain no more
  • Ex muslims you are not alone
     Reply #4 - September 03, 2017, 02:02 PM

    ......I am 22 years old from Tanzania..................

    .............. I m half Somali and half Tanzania. .
    ......... a year old.................with polio .....
    .... walk with my legs without using crutches.....
    ...... I removed ‘’DIS’’ in ‘’DISABILITY’’ and Ii got “Ability” ................

    My goodness gracious ...what a response .,   dearest Hassan .. you may have lost a leg due to that deadly Polioviral particles .. but you have wonderful ability  to express your views in a language which is not your mother tongue  such a way  that at an young young age your types are in fact a model to millions of  20 year olds.... you are a fighter not give it up...

    .....where there is a will there will be a way....... I still need to read and re-read your post...  and your country Tanzania is the most  beautiful country with very rich natural resources  of that continent...

    with best regards

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Ex muslims you are not alone
     Reply #5 - September 03, 2017, 09:47 PM

    We are glad to have you here Hassan05. I hope you can remain strong through the troubles. It seems like you have already came through a lot.

    Hope to hear more from you, my fellow ex-Muslim, and welcome.  bunny

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • Ex muslims you are not alone
     Reply #6 - September 03, 2017, 10:47 PM

    Hi yeezevee
    ............. I can't take care if myself financially.........
     ............I m half Somali and half Tanzania..........
    ........ I was a year old I was diagnosed with polio which disabled right leg forever!
    ........... I have never had chance to walk with my legs without using crutches....
    I removed ‘’DIS’’ in ‘’DISABILITY’’ and Ii got “Ability” My life motto says “My disability is not my ability”

    dear Hassan.. do not take you leaving Islam or living as Muslim as problem for your life ., it is very temporary thing specially in African continent., you know well   Islam is just a faith with silly old Abrahamic faith stories to reinforce faith in faith heads., unfortunately, its rules  and rituals are stupid and rigid. So forget Islam  deal with ‘’DISABILITY"  problem and other problems most of  which  you have already faced and solved to the best of your abilities.

    let me put some videos for you here who are inspirational to everyone
    Minda Dentler
    Minda Dentler was born in India, where she contracted polio at a young age. She lived in an orphanage, until she was adopted by an American family and moved to Spokane, Washington. After surgery, she learned to walk with the assistance of braces and crutches.

    In 2006, Dentler completed her first marathon, hand-cycling the whole way. But she didn't stop there—in the span of five years, she completed 10 marathons. From there she moved on to triathlons; to date, she has completed 14 Olympic triathlons and seven Half-Ironman triathlons. In 2013, Dentler became the first woman hand-cyclist to complete the Ironman in Kona, Hawaii. She wrote:

    ade adepitan

    Ade Adepitan MBE (born 27 March 1973) is a British television presenter and wheelchair basketball player. He uses a wheelchair as a result of contracting polio as a child which led to the loss of use of his left leg. Adepitan was born in Maryland, Lagos, Nigeria on 27 March 1973. At the age of six months, Adepitan contracted polio which resulted in the loss of function of his left leg, and ultimately prevented him from walking.

    At the age of three, Adepitan and his mother emigrated to Newham in London, United Kingdom to join his father. He was educated at Southern Road Primary School in Plaistow, Newham, which he credits with helping him with his disability and problems at home. From an early age, he had aspirations of becoming an international sportsman. He also attended Lister Community School.

    No Legs No hands ..No Problems   Nick Vujicic

    Blessings in Disease:  President Franklin Delano Roosevelt became disabled

    with best wishes

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
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