So I tried this. I totally confused them both. Muhsin transferred me to Hammad, and then Hammad transferred me to Muhsin, and then Muhsin just ended the chat. I am "Wandering Willow"
Muhsin Fri, 10/13/17 07:53:29 pm America/Los_Angeles
Hey there! If you have any questions about Islam, just let me know.
Wandering Willow 07:53:51 pm
I have a question.
Muhsin 07:54:00 pm
Wandering Willow 07:54:08 pm
Muhsin 07:54:18 pm
yes sure...
Wandering Willow 07:54:32 pm
Is this a Q&A chat?
Muhsin 07:55:09 pm
yes.. This service is dedicated to educate non-Muslim guests about Islam.
Wandering Willow 07:55:18 pm
I have a question about halal meat
Muhsin 07:55:40 pm
Wandering Willow 07:55:56 pm
ok can i just jump right in
Muhsin 07:56:19 pm
yeah sure..but kindly note.. Our chat service is mainly to introduce Islam to non Muslims and answer their questions about it. But we also help any Muslim brother or sister who need advice. We don't give fatwa though because we are not scholars, so we're not qualified to do so .
Wandering Willow 07:56:55 pm
can i have ur informed opinion about something
the halal meat and animals 07:57:07 pm
Muhsin 07:58:10 pm
Wandering Willow 07:58:49 pm
why is it that when certain animals are slaughtered, like the lamb or the cow, you're supposed to pray over it so it can be halal before you kill it, but you don't have to pray for a fish when you kill it?
is it because cows and lambs are "biblical" (i.e. the lamb in the story of Ibrahim and the cow in Surat al Baqara) 07:59:20 pm
Muhsin 08:00:05 pm
coz that is the command given by God
coz you dont actually kill a fish.. you simply take it out from water... and it dies after some time
Wandering Willow 08:00:48 pm
does it say that in quran, i can't remember
Muhsin 08:00:51 pm
it does
and in the Hadith too 08:01:00 pm
Wandering Willow 08:01:14 pm
i was thinking
because they're not biblical
i thought lambs and cows were actually celestial beings
Muhsin 08:01:45 pm
what is mentioned in the Quran has nothing to do with something being biblical or no
Are you a convert by the way?
Wandering Willow 08:02:12 pm
i am curious about all faiths
i have another question
about trees
Muhsin 08:02:42 pm
i see..
yeah sure..
Wandering Willow 08:03:04 pm
i heard a hadith that whenever someone praises Allah a palm tree is planted for him or her
my issue with this is i don't really like palm trees
and i wonder why the discrimination against other trees?
like the Bonsai tree, or the red maple, or the weeping willow, or the Californian cypress
Muhsin 08:04:16 pm
if it would have been Bonsai tree.. then people would have said.. why not others? if it would have been ... red maple...then people would have said.. why not others....
Wandering Willow 08:04:17 pm
Does the palm tree have a heavenly connotation, like the pomegranate, which in many cultures is associated with paradise or the afterlife in some form?
Muhsin 08:04:23 pm
so the questioning wont really stop..
as for the WHY.. then we say Allaah knows the Best
Wandering Willow 08:04:43 pm
but why specifically the palm tree
is it because the palm tree is most prevalent in the region where islam emerged from?
Muhsin 08:05:04 pm
coz Allaah doesnt mention specifically about each and everything.. as to why this.. and why not that...
God knows the best
Wandering Willow 08:05:31 pm
but how do we know
based on the knowledge that praising Allah gets you a ton of palm trees in heaven
Muhsin 08:06:04 pm
"but how do we know" - I'm sorry I don't understand what you're asking. Can you explain that?
Wandering Willow 08:06:05 pm
that heaven is not merely an Arab' man's fantasy of paradise rather than a place that can appeal to all individuals of all cultures?
Muhsin 08:06:45 pm
yes indeed its a a place that can appeal to all individuals of all cultures
thats why there you wont have the same feelings like you have here..
for that tree 08:07:00 pm
Wandering Willow 08:07:07 pm
so if I praise Allah but I want weeping willows will I get weeping willows instead of palm trees
bc i really prejudice against the palm tree
Muhsin 08:07:47 pm
yes thats what you do here..
but you wont do it in the hereafter
Wandering Willow 08:08:08 pm
so no weeping willows in heaven for me?
why the discrimination?
Muhsin 08:08:49 pm
see.. we believe that God Almighty since he is our creator.. he knows what is Good for his creation,... and what is bad for his creation...
Wandering Willow 08:09:04 pm
are weeping willows bad for his creation?
but i don't understand
Muhsin 08:09:27 pm
if something is being chosen that doesnt mean the other is bad
Wandering Willow 08:09:29 pm
if he created the beautiful weeping willow why choose the ugly palm tree over it
Muhsin 08:09:47 pm
i am simply pointing out the fact that its chosen by God...
as God says in the Quran...
Wandering Willow 08:10:02 pm
so the palm tree is sacred?
Muhsin 08:10:56 pm
" But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not." Quran 2:216
Wandering Willow 08:11:17 pm
i don't think the palm tree is good for me
i love the weeping willow
Muhsin 08:11:29 pm
yes thats what Quran is saying...
Allah Knows, while you know not
Wandering Willow 08:11:33 pm
does that mean the weeping willow is bad for me?
Muhsin 08:11:42 pm
no it doesnt mean that
Wandering Willow 08:11:43 pm
what did the weeping willow ever do to anyone
Muhsin 08:11:48 pm
did he say that?
if you marry someone.. that doesnt mean the others were useless 08:12:04 pm
but you had to choose one..
so you choose which you liked..
Pray to God that you want weeping willow
Wandering Willow 08:12:51 pm
but in this case i don't get a choice i just get stuck with the ugly palm tree
Muhsin 08:12:55 pm
he will surely grant you that..
Wandering Willow 08:12:59 pm
Muhsin 08:13:39 pm
apart from weeping willow.. im sure.. you are looking forward to enter Paradise. coz thats where you would get them
Wandering Willow 08:13:56 pm
yes only if palm trees stay out of it
Muhsin 08:14:32 pm
see we are told.. that our feelings would be different there...
so dont worry.. you would be ok with them too
Wandering Willow 08:14:57 pm
palm trees are my idea of hell
Muhsin 08:15:29 pm
thats Your idea.. not Gods
so dont worry on that
Wandering Willow 08:16:16 pm
i got another question
Muhsin 08:16:19 pm
so whats your belief about God?
Wandering Willow 08:17:04 pm
i believe in the Goddess
Muhsin 08:17:22 pm
so God has gender?
Wandering Willow 08:17:31 pm
the Goddess has no gender nor form
i have a question for u
Muhsin 08:17:47 pm
but Goddess itself means female God
Wandering Willow 08:17:57 pm
God means male
what does the terminology matter 08:18:04 pm
khoda or allah or god or goddess or the force or dark matter
do you believe in the force?
Muhsin 08:18:47 pm
yes the terminology matters.. coz Khoda can be anyone... God can be anyone.. but Allaah is the proper name of the one true God
Wandering Willow 08:19:03 pm
why Allah
why the discrimination against other terms
if martians have a name for dark matter does that make it any less of allah
Muhsin 08:19:44 pm
thats the name... a proper name...of the One true God
Wandering Willow 08:20:14 pm
do animals call god allah
Muhsin 08:20:51 pm
animals speak?
Wandering Willow 08:21:06 pm
do animals know about allah
or dark matter or the force
the Goddess
Muhsin 08:21:21 pm
yes they know about Allaah
Wandering Willow 08:21:42 pm
does that mean what everyone else calls allah in their language is wrong
Muhsin 08:22:45 pm
if they are refering to the same one true God...
Wandering Willow 08:22:54 pm
Muhsin 08:22:55 pm
then not a problem if they are ignorant with the name
Wandering Willow 08:22:57 pm
The force
the Goddess
is it wrong to be a woman 08:23:26 pm
Muhsin 08:23:33 pm
apart from name what is more important is the concept of God...
its a honor to be a woman
Wandering Willow 08:23:46 pm
i have a question about kafir and mumin
the terms
what sort of dichotomy do such terms create in people's minds 08:24:08 pm
Muhsin 08:24:09 pm
a female in Islam when a daughter.. she opens the door of paradise for the parents...
as a wife.. she is a half of the religion
as a mother .. paradise lies beneath her feet
Wandering Willow 08:25:04 pm
can u still be a honorable woman and not be any of those things
what if i don't wanna be a wife, what if i wanna be a wandering willow
Muhsin 08:25:52 pm
yes... by default you are already one
Wandering Willow 08:26:02 pm
a wandering willow?
Muhsin 08:26:46 pm
what do you mean by you want to be a wandering willow?
Wandering Willow 08:26:56 pm
it's a metaphor
what do u think about the terms kafir and mumin 08:27:04 pm
Muhsin 08:27:35 pm
Kaafir means a disbeliever...
someone who disbleievs in Allaah
Mu'min means a believer
Wandering Willow 08:28:09 pm
what do such opposing terms create in people's minds
in terms of worlview
dichotomy of good vs. evil?
some lord of the rings Sauron vs. Frodo mindset
Muhsin 08:28:48 pm
I did not understand what you mean, can you please explain further?
Wandering Willow 08:28:58 pm
sith lords vs. jedi
i mean 08:29:28 pm
are the mu'mins the jedi and the kafirs the sith lords?
or are the kafirs the jedi and the mu'mins the sith lords?
is it possible to transcend such labels, to co-exist not just in peace but to live in a way of interconnectedness and mutual love? 08:30:41 pm
Muhsin 08:31:40 pm
im sorry i am not getting what Sauron vs. Frodo mindset you are talking about .. and what jedia dn lords
Wandering Willow 08:31:56 pm
i'm talking about good vs. evil
trump supporters vs. the rest of the world 08:32:05 pm
lannisters v.s. starks
everyone vs. the seahawks
Muhsin 08:32:50 pm
Let me transfer you to another agent. Someone will be able to answer your question.
Wandering Willow 08:34:20 pm
can you please tell me about the dichotomy of kafirs vs. mu'mins and what this does for the world
a.k.a sith lords v.s. jedi
Hammad 08:35:22 pm
I dont understand
Wandering Willow 08:35:32 pm
kafir = nonbeliever
mu'min = believer
Hammad 08:35:49 pm
Wandering Willow 08:35:59 pm
do these terms create a dichotomy of good vs. evil and what does that do for the world?
is it possible to transcend such terms 08:36:27 pm
Hammad 08:36:34 pm
I dont understand your question
Wandering Willow 08:36:49 pm
Hammad 08:37:01 pm
Wandering Willow 08:37:13 pm
yes u follow or yes to the last question
Hammad 08:37:30 pm
Last point
Wandering Willow 08:37:54 pm
say i'm what they call a "kafir" or a "mu'min"
Hammad 08:38:01 pm
Wandering Willow 08:38:02 pm
can i just not be either of those things
can i be a jedi instead?
or a wandering willow?
a willow tree spreads it's branches, spreads it's shade on everyone whether mu'min or kafir
know what i mean?
Hammad 08:38:48 pm
Wandering Willow 08:39:08 pm
do i have to be one of those things?
kafir or mu'min
why can't i just be Bilbo Baggins
in my hobbit hole eating food and sharing it with everyone i love
Hammad 08:40:00 pm
You can call yourself whatever
Wandering Willow 08:40:23 pm
but what does the dichotomy of the terms kafir and mu'min do for the world
is it a positive thing?
Hammad 08:41:22 pm
One is rejecting God
Wandering Willow 08:41:47 pm
i'm talking about the dichotomy though
Hammad 08:41:50 pm
Tied to negative
Wandering Willow 08:42:06 pm
yes but what you are saying is exactly the issue i am speaking of
Hammad 08:42:21 pm
Wandering Willow 08:43:21 pm
do these terms not contribute to the balkanization of the Muslim world and the rest of the world?
i.e. sith lords v.s. jedi?
Hammad 08:43:44 pm
Dont get you
Wandering Willow 08:43:48 pm
starks v.s. lannisters?
what don't u get 08:44:01 pm
Hammad 08:44:13 pm
Wandering Willow 08:44:27 pm
if one identifies as a sith lord it triggers an automatic hostile psychological reaction
Hammad 08:44:43 pm
Islam is the same truth that God revealed to all of His prophets from Adam to Noah, Moses and Jesus, the son of Mary, and the rest of the beautiful chain of prophets who called people to worship God alone with no partners. May God send His peace and blessings upon all of them. Does this make sense to you?
Wandering Willow 08:45:22 pm
i know the truth
that's not what i'm asking
i'm talking about the dichotomy and what it does for the world
Hammad 08:46:13 pm
Wandering Willow 08:47:04 pm
must we either be kafir or mu'min, sith lord or jedi, stark or lannister, trump supporter or the rest of the world? can we not surpass such terms and the mutual hostility that comes from looking at one another in stark shades of dual morality?
can i just be a wandering willow spreading the life of the goddess to whoever crosses my path, or bilbo baggins sharing my food with my dwarfly friends? 08:48:05 pm
u know bilbo?
i gotta go
thanks for clearing that up 08:49:05 pm
hi muhsin