So I've been away from the forum for about 2 years I think, and I'm shocked to see that my blog posts in the blog section have only migrated to page 3!! I guess this is a good metaphor for my progress as a nonbeliever
I just wanted to share some thoughts regarding the term "Kafir" and the reason I don't define myself as such. For me, being a nonbeliever specifically with Islam isn't just about rejecting the entire religion, it's more about transcending all of it entirely. If I define myself as a "Kafir" then I'm just accepting a label that was constructed by Islam. To me the words "kafir" and "mu'min" are constructs that starkly box people into "good" and "evil" within the realm of Islam. It makes it so easy to pit humans against one another. This isn't only nonsensical to me, it's dangerous. That's why I reject the terms altogether. I am neither mu'min nor kafir.
I'm not sure if there's an equivalent term in Arabic for "nonbeliever" that doesn't sound as harsh as "kafir," but if there is, I would prefer that title.