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 Topic: "I wonder why?"

 (Read 3744 times)
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  • "I wonder why?"
     OP - February 03, 2014, 10:06 AM

    So this caught my eye, it was quoted from Ummah in another thread:

    Another thing they love to do is spend most of their time talking about Islam and Muslims, they can’t seem to move on – I wonder why (lolls)

    So I just want to make certain things clear, hopefully devout and pious Muslims someday can read this and understand. This is for you, guys!

     It bothers me that someone can be so stupid and have a such a fixed mindset that he or she can't look further than to his nose.    So as a defense-mechanism, since ex-Muslims and murtads are one of the greatest "iman-destroyers" for Muslims that there is (and it was so during Mo's time, "wonder why" Roll Eyes ), Muslims focus on why we still discuss Islam. "Oh, it must be because we deep down know it's true but we just wanna have fun". Such stupidity and lack of rational and critical thinking baffles me, every time. So here it is, I am going to explain the need for me to still discuss Islam and my former Muslim life.

    Islam took the best years of my life. I wasted the first half of my youth on lies, deceit and outright misogyny that I tried to defend in order to not perish in my own cognitive dissonance. Not only does Islam still contribute to tremendously negative consequences in my life, but I see other people succumb to it's horror because of ignorance. I see other people who are in my position and hopefully they won't waste as many years as I did on a LIE. I want to show Islam for what it really is. Not some dawah propaganda filled with half-lies and twists and turns in order to "enhance" and make Islam better than it is.

    And this is me, a convert. The situation for many "born Muslims" is even worse where they face constant persecution by Islam and its doctrines because of "devout Muslims" such as those on Ummah.

    The need to discuss is because there are other people out there having doubts or who do not have "real knowledge" (irony) about Islam, thus this forum provides a place where certain things can be discussed in an honest and critical manner. Where "allah knows best" and "don't ask to many questions" are not the only two answers provided when "tough" questions arises. If Islam is "true", then it can handle criticism, don't you think Wink

    New and old members come and go everyday. Some of us have a need to work through and process Islam and its ramifications for months, years or perhaps never be able to do so fully. Islam is a cult and a sect, and the sooner this is shown to the public the better.

    Rant (temporarily) over.

    "The healthiest people I know are those who are the first to label themselves fucked up." - three
  • "I wonder why?"
     Reply #1 - February 03, 2014, 11:36 AM

    I think atheists discuss about Christianity the most. I mean come on, it has the most followers today.
  • "I wonder why?"
     Reply #2 - February 03, 2014, 11:38 AM

    its just them dismissing apostates as 'obsessed' so they don't have to address the points made. Its desperation. The more ex-muslim voices are out there, the more it burns them up

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • "I wonder why?"
     Reply #3 - February 03, 2014, 12:33 PM

    I think atheists discuss about Christianity the most.

    I'm not sure.

    I think most 'Christian' atheists aren't arsed about religion at all. It's not a weight on their lives nor a weight off their shoulders when they leave it.

    Islam's weight is far less easy to shake off, hence the discussion.
  • "I wonder why?"
     Reply #4 - February 03, 2014, 01:08 PM

    I think atheists talk about Christianity the most.
    It's based on a book which is not even nearly as vague as the Quran therefore the problems are much easier to find, it's very secularized compared to Islam therefore having to be afraid for your health is very minor, it's the biggest religion officially, it's the main religion in the countries where most atheists reside, its followers often admit some of the problems themselves too, it's a religion which is much more tolerant for criticism, there is no culture of criticizing Islam to the same degree and probably more than anything, when you talk about the Bible you don't have hundreds of priests trying to change that criticism to something that proves that Bible is word of God, but when you criticize Quran you will find multiple articles talking about how you don't know anything about Islam, how you hate Islam, how the Quran mentions that non-believers try to deceive believers (therefore the criticism proves that Islam is true  Roll Eyes), how you lie because the Quran is perfect and you know that there is nothing to criticize, how that criticism is just because you don't Arabic and how everything is out of the context.
    When there is video in YouTube that criticizes the Bible it's not hated by christians but when some video debunks some totally idiotic "Quran Miracle" it will be full of dislikes and comment-section is filled of comment like, "God is true, created you! Why you no believe miracle even once. Bible is corrupted but why you then don't believe Quran! You are blind go hell non-believer" and "Sisters and brothers, don't care about these non-believers. They are under satan and just deceive you, but we know in our hearts that Quran is miracle nobody has created anything similar and it should not be criticized because it is created by God, so why they then criticize it because if it's created by God it is perfect, no? Peace".
    Nobody wants to criticize Islam as much as Christianity because by doing it you will not affect anyone positively but you will just get personal insults, thousands of answers that don't actually answer the argument but dance around it, threats of hell, then the ultra-liberal non-muslims call you racist and in worst scenario you get attacked by muslims.

    I ask many stupid questions frequently.
    I am curious, that's why I ask many questions.
    I am overly curious, that's why I ask stupid questions.
    I lack patience, that's why I ask frequently.
    So forgive me and answer me Smiley
  • "I wonder why?"
     Reply #5 - February 03, 2014, 01:58 PM

    Considered posting it on sites such as ummah?

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • "I wonder why?"
     Reply #6 - February 03, 2014, 02:07 PM

    when you criticize Quran you will find multiple articles talking about how you don't know anything about Islam, how you hate Islam, how the Quran mentions that non-believers try to deceive believers (therefore the criticism proves that Islam is true  Roll Eyes), how you lie because the Quran is perfect and you know that there is nothing to criticize, how that criticism is just because you don't Arabic and how everything is out of the context.

    Hardly unique to the Quran or Islam. These have been Christian lines for centuries. The major issue with Islam is that it has not faced the same level criticism as Christianity from the followers themselves for a long time. Also philosophy has been undermining religion for centuries in the west while in the east it is still linked to religion. Centuries of criticism and conflict involving Christianity has shaped western society.  This has not happened in Islam for centuries. As Islam has been slowly reintroduced to the masses within the west for the last decades it's followers face what is standard fare for Christianity. The same series of miracle claims, hidden codes and theologian jargon used by Christianity are the normal arguments for Islam these days. Arguments which are easy to refute. This triggers a defense mechanism as religion is also part of a person's worldview so any "attack" on Islam becomes criticism of the person as well.
  • "I wonder why?"
     Reply #7 - July 01, 2014, 01:26 PM

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