Meetings with Mormons
Reply #3 - May 28, 2014, 09:10 PM
I love how you are such a true skeptic. Wherever possible you try to find things out for yourself instead of taking other people's word for it, and you investigate things thoroughly and question everything.
At my workplace there are Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Catholics, Protestants, Hindus, Atheists, practicing Muslims, a non-practicing, alcohol-drinking Muslim, a practicing, Mu'tazilah Muslim etc.
They are all decent people. I don't ever feel like debating with them. Not sure why. Perhaps it's because I know they are really only following their religion for cultural reasons. They have a family and so much at stake, that it feels too tumultuous to even think about breaking free from the comfort of their religion/lifestyle. Deconversion, not just from Islam, should be popularised more, and people should be expected to be able to explain why they believe in their religion. Culture, family, or tradition should not be acceptable excuses.