Here is the email I sent to him
Hey Seth,
Hope your doing well. I'll start off by saying that I absolutely love your show! Your podcasts are mostly about Christianity but all the issues you discuss apply to Islam as well.
I heard you were doing a podcast on Islam so that's why I'm sending you this email.
I started writing an email about my personal experience leaving Islam but thought it would be a much better use of your show time if you raised awareness about these atheists in Islamic countries
who are being persecuted for their beliefs. If you could link this youtube video in the video description of the podcast you upload on YouTube it would be much appreciated. (The petitions demanding the release the people mentioned in the video are included in the video description)
We atheists in secular countries have fun spending time debating believers on their beliefs and theology but most of our efforts should really be spent
fighting for the human rights of atheists who are not able to speak out to defend themselves. We should be continuing the fight against religion at home but let's not forget our fellow secular humanists
and freethinkers abroad who aren't getting the amount of support that they deserve. If enough citizens of the United States let Washington know that we care about these people than the International
pressure will make Saudia Arabia and other theocracies think twice before they decide to persecute people just for holding different beliefs.
Thank you for taking the time to read my email. Take Care.
Sincerely, Hussein