I am not an ex-Muslim
Nor am I
and probably do not belong on this forum,
We'll be the judge of that.
but I do feel the need to make these comments. I am an ex-Christian who has seen the light and I have embraced no religion, you may call me an atheist but I do not like the attitude that atheism is just another religion when it is simply the absence of religion. Being ex-religious, I do understand the feelings that one goes through (oh no, I am going to hell for this........ and so on).
I am excited to discover this community of ex-Muslims and I want to thank you for your courage, as is seems that humanity may have a future. It is disappointing however to see that some ex-Muslims have now embraced Christianity when it is equally as poisonous to society as Islam. I would have thought the issues you have with Islam would be equally valid for Christianity, please do not think that a person must have a god in order to live a good happy life.
1. The purpose of this forum is to support the right of apostasy from Islam and provide support to those who do, whether or not they end up going to another religion or not.
2. That being said, the vast majority here have not moved onto another organized religion, and are (mostly) agnostic humanists and atheists, though there are also some deists and pantheists. As far as I know there's only one ex-Muslim currently posting here who is a Christian.
3. I would dispute that, on a global level, at this point in history, Christianity is "equally poisonous to society as Islam" overall. While there are certain parts of the world more poisoned by Christianity than Islam (the US and parts of Africa for example), and at certain points in its history Christianity has been overall worse than Islam on a global level, currently the two regions I listed above (the US and parts of Africa), and to a lesser extent Latin America, are the only parts of what would once be called "Christendom" where religiosity amongst Christians poses a serious social threat-- in Europe it does not. And in the US we have secular checks socially and politically on the power of the Christian nutters.
By contrast, almost every corner of the Islamic world is afflicted, to one degree or another, by the threat of Muslim religious fanatics. Albania, Bosnia, Turkey, Indonesia, and Kazahkstan are among the exceptions, but even they aren't totally free of it, and must wage a struggle against the religious nuts to preserve secular society. And unlike in the US, in the majority of the Islamic world there are very few institutional checks on the power of the religious nutters, and, quite the contrary, there are many political and social institutional forces that give these nutjobs more power than they would otherwise have.
But, yeah, I'm generally with ya and welcome to the forum Monsieur Bleu