What kind of a Judge is this?
OP - January 04, 2011, 05:21 PM
Imagine a judge who sentence 10 children of a killer to death. Their only sin is that the killer was their father. Now imaging that the children never seen their father as he left them long time ago when they were little kids. That would be a terrible, unkind, unfair, masochistic, blood thirsty, and an evil man, right?
OK now replace the "Judge" with "God", the "killer" with "Adam/Eve" and the "children" with "humans". One tiny difference, though -- The crime was not murder. It was eating a fruit, an apple, from the tree of knowledge.
So what this say about God?
Isn't religion something strange? Weird? Difficult to comprehend, yet man billions of people believe in? I guess that would be the only miracle of religion. That it could fool so many people!