You cannot reason someone out of something they did not reason themselves into.What do you think of the above statement?
Most Muslims are Muslims because they were born into the religion, and considering that they have invested their entire lives in Islam, it's not surprising that they have a strong emotional attachment to it. Same goes with most converts. We often hear the reasons why they are attracted to Islam are usually based on emotional appeal rather than rational scrutinisation of the religion before converting. That's why they become very defensive when we criticise their religion, and can't seem to think outside the box, or at least they just refuse to, even when we're only talking about simple logic with them.
You know what they say, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, lol. Maybe with those kind of Muslims who don't respond well with logical and rational reasonings, we can fall back on some sort of emotional appeal? But how exactly can we do that, if that's even possible, because I think the line is blurry in our case as we still need to reason with them to appeal to their emotions.
With women, it's easier, I think.
"Your husband is allowed to marry again, but you can't!"
Or maybe "Look at your non-Muslim friends! They're going to hell according to your religion. What do you feel about that?!"