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 Topic: Are all British soldiers heroes?

 (Read 19175 times)
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  • Re: Are all British soldiers heroes?
     Reply #90 - March 01, 2011, 01:40 PM

    per to the other side.
  • Re: Are all British soldiers heroes?
     Reply #91 - March 01, 2011, 01:43 PM

    Is it true or you just want me to like you?

    "That it is indeed the speech of an illustrious messenger" (The Koran 69:40)
  • Re: Are all British soldiers heroes?
     Reply #92 - March 01, 2011, 01:54 PM

  • Re: Are all British soldiers heroes?
     Reply #93 - March 02, 2011, 10:08 PM

    I am surprised Saudi Arabia is as high as eighth position on this list! In fact is one of the highest countries in the world when done by GDP.  I wonder why?

    They have a massive air force, for some reason.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Re: Are all British soldiers heroes?
     Reply #94 - March 04, 2011, 04:31 PM

    Without the British solder you'd all be under Hitler's rule by now. Without the British solder Kosavo wouldn't have a single muslim left. Without the British and American solders Saddam would still be killing millions.
    Hero's every last one of them.

  • Re: Are all British soldiers heroes?
     Reply #95 - March 04, 2011, 04:39 PM

    ^ British alloy used in plumbing? Sounds like in your dictionary soldier: a hero who's in the army.

    "That it is indeed the speech of an illustrious messenger" (The Koran 69:40)
  • Re: Are all British soldiers heroes?
     Reply #96 - March 04, 2011, 04:46 PM

    Without the British Russian solider you'd all be under Hitler's rule by now.

    Fix'd. No need to thank me.

    Without the British solder Kosavo wouldn't have a single muslim left. Without the British and American solders Saddam would still be killing millions.

    Good one. For a moment I actually thought you were being serious.
  • Re: Are all British soldiers heroes?
     Reply #97 - March 04, 2011, 04:54 PM

    Dammit, I didn't get that he was joking - duh

    "That it is indeed the speech of an illustrious messenger" (The Koran 69:40)
  • Re: Are all British soldiers heroes?
     Reply #98 - March 04, 2011, 04:57 PM

    ^ British alloy used in plumbing? Sounds like in your dictionary soldier: a hero who's in the army.

  • Re: Are all British soldiers heroes?
     Reply #99 - March 04, 2011, 05:27 PM

    I think you forget that Britain stood alone against the Germans for several years before our so called allies sat on their backsides, decided that they would help us, altho America certainly made sure that Britain was bankrupted at the end of the war. I was a school boy in the fifties and I remember poverty very well.

    The Russians did not come into that war because they had principle but because Hitler attacked them, of course they fought back.
    We went to war because we had a moral duty to do so. Our allies only because they were attacked.

    People go on about, the reason we went to war in Iraq was because of oil, what's wrong with that being one of the reasons, without oil our civilisation would come to an end, the west would slowly die. So of course we must protect our supply. If at the same time we remove a brutal dictator, what's wrong with that. How many Kurds were saved by the no fly zone.

    The Serbs, left to get on with it, would have slaughtered as many Muslims as they could, genocide, so are not British soldiers hero's for stopping it.

    I think that our armed services have been a force for good in the last 70 years.

  • Re: Are all British soldiers heroes?
     Reply #100 - March 04, 2011, 05:56 PM

    I think you forget that Britain stood alone against the Germans for several years before our so called allies sat on their backsides, decided that they would help us ...

    Right, I think you might be forgetting that American Neutrality Act was amended to allow 'cash and carry' purchases by the Allies and introduced the Lend-Lease policy authorizing the provision of materiel and other items.
    United States were propping up Britain in every way possible short of declaring war on Germany prior to Pearl Harbour. US even created a security zone spanning roughly half of the Atlantic Ocean where the United States Navy protected British convoys. As a result, Germany and the United States found themselves engaged in sustained naval warfare in the North and Central Atlantic by October 1941, even though the United States remained officially neutral.

    The Russians did not come into that war because they had principle but because Hitler attacked them, of course they fought back.

    No shit Sherlock.

    We went to war because we had a moral duty to do so.

    You are so full of shit. Tell that crap to Polish who had a defence pact with Britain and France but were back stabbed by both as soon as Germans attacked.
    British and French did absolutely nothing from autumn 1939 until April 1940 when France itself and British EF in France were attacked.
    While you are at it you might as well inform Czech of just how principled British conduct was when Chamberlain first sold Sudetenland and than the whole of Czech territory in Czechoslovakia to Nazis.
    Oh yeah. There was also this Anschluss thingy where Britain did fuck all too. Wtf I am saying - British government was doing everything possible to appease Hitler. Spineless opportunistic bastards.

    Btw Nazi spine was cracked by Russians - Operation Bagration and not by Western Allies and Japanese were defeated by Americans.  

    People go on about, the reason we went to war in Iraq was because of oil, what's wrong with that being one of the reasons, without oil our civilisation would come to an end, the west would slowly die. So of course we must protect our supply. If at the same time we remove a brutal dictator, what's wrong with that. How many Kurds were saved by the no fly zone.

    The Serbs, left to get on with it, would have slaughtered as many Muslims as they could, genocide, so are not British soldiers hero's for stopping it.

    I think that our armed services have been a force for good in the last 70 years.


    I'd rather not comment. My mind is full of fuck.
  • Re: Are all British soldiers heroes?
     Reply #101 - March 04, 2011, 05:58 PM

    LOL @ Sherlock

    "That it is indeed the speech of an illustrious messenger" (The Koran 69:40)
  • Re: Are all British soldiers heroes?
     Reply #102 - March 05, 2011, 12:22 AM

    Right, I think you might be forgetting that American Neutrality Act was amended to allow 'cash and carry' purchases by the Allies and introduced the Lend-Lease policy authorizing the provision of materiel and other items.
    United States were propping up Britain in every way possible short of declaring war on Germany prior to Pearl Harbour. US even created a security zone spanning roughly half of the Atlantic Ocean where the United States Navy protected British convoys. As a result, Germany and the United States found themselves engaged in sustained naval warfare in the North and Central Atlantic by October 1941, even though the United States remained officially neutral.
    No shit Sherlock.
    You are so full of shit. Tell that crap to Polish who had a defence pact with Britain and France but were back stabbed by both as soon as Germans attacked.
    British and French did absolutely nothing from autumn 1939 until April 1940 when France itself and British EF in France were attacked.
    While you are at it you might as well inform Czech of just how principled British conduct was when Chamberlain first sold Sudetenland and than the whole of Czech territory in Czechoslovakia to Nazis.
    Oh yeah. There was also this Anschluss thingy where Britain did fuck all too. Wtf I am saying - British government was doing everything possible to appease Hitler. Spineless opportunistic bastards.

    Btw Nazi spine was cracked by Russians - Operation Bagration and not by Western Allies and Japanese were defeated by Americans.  
    I'd rather not comment. My mind is full of fuck.

    Your just anti British.
  • Re: Are all British soldiers heroes?
     Reply #103 - March 05, 2011, 02:24 AM


    fuck you
  • Re: Are all British soldiers heroes?
     Reply #104 - March 05, 2011, 10:57 AM

    Your just anti British.

    Which part of what I wrote do you contest?

    If by anti-British you mean that I dislike the way Britain is run - a combination of feudalism, oligarchy, imperialism, short sighted delusions of grandeur and plain old bullshit where pretty much everything is run in the interest of a small and unaccountable elite then you are spot on.
  • Re: Are all British soldiers heroes?
     Reply #105 - March 05, 2011, 07:04 PM

    Btw arthur1 is Winston Churchill 'British' enough for you?

    He is not exactly the most favourite historical figure of mine but this quite originally made just before the Munich Con­fer­ence is spot on:

    "We seem to be very near the bleak choice between War and Shame. My feel­ing is that we shall choose Shame, and then have War thrown in a lit­tle later on."

    Which is exactly what happened.
  • Re: Are all British soldiers heroes?
     Reply #106 - March 05, 2011, 07:11 PM

    You actually think he's gonna listen? He's a closed-minded bigot, his mind is made up on all matters, regardless of whatever new information you bring to the table, he will refuse to consider it along with refusing to consider or intelligently respond to any analysis of the information he does have which differs from his own. I also have the feeling he's not very bright to begin with.

    fuck you
  • Re: Are all British soldiers heroes?
     Reply #107 - March 07, 2011, 05:10 PM

    I was a school boy in the fifties and I remember poverty very well.

    Holy shit. I thought you were a clueless teen, not a 60+ adult.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
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