^ Try setting a rule for yourself like no more than one hour of FB,Twitter and CEMB a day.
I'm not on FB, and hate twitter, so what would the point be in only allowing an hour on it a day?
The reason as I stated that I hate twitter and FB is 'cause everyone's on it, all the time. In classes last year, all of the students seemed to be on twitter and FB, and would spend the whole lunch break on their phones. What's the point in that? When someone asks you to come visit them and you take time out of your life and walk however far you have to walk to visit them, then they spend the whole time you are visiting on their phones on FB or twitter, it's very annoying and frustrating and makes you think, well why the fuck did I visit in the first place and why do people invite you over only to spend their whole time on the phone tweeting? Hence my dislike to those social networking sites.
Personally I think it's rude. When I invite someone over to my place, I spend time with them, not on the computer or on my phone, and in fact, if someone calls me on the phone or texts me when I have someone over, I will tell the person that I have a visitor/visitors and will call/text them back later. People get offended at this as they think that seeing as you have a home phone/mobile, that you have to talk to them.
And that's the problem I have with mobiles too is that people think that just 'cause you have one, that you have to reply straight away, which is crazy 'cause sometimes you don't have credit or sometimes you're in the shower or sometimes you just don't want to fucking text back right that second. And so you have people who will visit you or ask you to visit them who will spend the whole time texting.
As for CEMB, I enjoy it on here and don't want to cut back time on here... once I'm back at uni though will have to cut it back, but that isn't a problem or issue for me.