This video has already been posted here and discussed, please read the comments, I say a few things here: I've got to say, I use the word 'wicked' very rarely, but this is a truly wicked, disturbed, nasty, horrible, psychologically depraved and disgusting thing that Islam teaches.
His poor father and mother.
Islam teaches the convert to burn all his and her bridges and fills them with self loathing and hatred for their familial, cultural, and societal roots. This is just sadism and cruelty pure and simple.
This is the reality of the psychological perversion that dawah promotes.
Imran, any belief system that actively teaches with sadistic clarity to brainwash its new adherents into this state of pathology and sundering the bond between a child and its parents is truly depraved. Instead of reflecting on this, you wallow in it like a pig in shit.
This is the methodology of a very sinister cult. Islam does not deserve any respect for this disgusting process
"we can smell traitors and country haters"
God is Love.
Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.