A word occurs in both 7:69 and 2:247. This word comes from the root bā sīn ṭā (ب س ط). It reads as ‘bastatan’. HOWEVER, I have noticed that in 7:69 all my ‘Arabi copies of the qur’an spell it with a Sad (ص), and then append a sīn (س) on top of it!
What the ruddy bloody hell is THAT about?! A spelling mistake in the qur’an possibly? The final redactors did not know which S sound to use, so put both in?!
Clearly a scribal error. It should be بسطة and NOT بصطة - The mistake was noticed by another copyist and the correction س written above it as no-one dared cross anything out - and thus the mistake is immortalised until Yawm al-Qiyama.