Hello forum users!
OP - December 05, 2011, 08:23 AM
Hello, I am 17, living in Singapore. I am a closet muslim apostate, or at least to my family members. This may sound weird but Heavy Metal music opened up my mind. It sparked interests in philosophy, history, religion and of course humanity. I have a passion for life and music.
At the age of 10 I questioned God. Received invalid answers from friends and family members such as "you cannot question God". Then I kept my mouth shut till I was 16 and started to find answer questions I can answer and of course the atheist community on the net.
Currently a new member of The Singapore Humanism Meetup Group. I encourage other Singaporean atheists to join us too.
To a truly secular society
"Children of Abel, Children of Cain
Can live in harmony, without shame
The keys that I grant thee, The Sacred Land
Are dry desert sand on the palm of your hand
Without the water, the wisdom of past
Will run through your fingers, forgotten so fast"