Lol thanks for the responses. I think I was more taken aback by Praying for yourself rather than others. I know growing up in church you spend more time praying for others, rather than praying for something for yourself. Especially something materialistic and superficial. I could not be happy knowing that God grants my wish for a perfect husband (As my Muslim friend constantly makes Duaa) knowing that somewhere someone has an abusive husband, despite praying and being devout all the same. I think praying for yourself is selfish, because I was taught to be grateful for what you have/ work hard to obtain what you want.
And further more all the poor people in the world suffering. It is not god who answers their prays but other people who come to their aid, yet god gets all the credit. the most reknown charities in the world are either run/started by aetheist or Christians. Such as the Red Cross.
Christian's pray for things for themselves too, as part of my theology course I had to attend 2 different churches, a catholic one and a Christian one, and both times when discussing prayer the priest described it as a time to ask god for things for YOURSELF, anybody who prays and experiences a hard time in life will pray for themselves....even the Jews pray for themselves if you think about. The prayer for Israel/zion is a prayer for yourself, that you as a Jew will see the magical Israel in your lifetime.
You know how many christian fb statuses I see with "please everybody keep me in your prayers today, my mum is sick/dying" etc etc?
As if asking others to pray for you is somehow less selfish than just praying for yourself.
I don't even believe in god, but you will find me saying things in my head like "please please please let me make it through this room spinning/want to vomit" part of being drunk. Who do I say please please please to? no one, but the plea is there anyway.
When you experience hardship, fear, anxiety, hope, many people often find themselves hoping (praying) for a good outcome.
I agree that prayer means nothing, how does one persons prayer get answered but another's doesn't, and the whole 'where was god' arguement, but I don't agree that the selfish aspect of prayer/hope is something only muslims are obsessed with.