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 Topic: I know there're a few UCL students here, so..

 (Read 2121 times)
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  • I know there're a few UCL students here, so..
     OP - January 10, 2012, 12:32 PM

    If you haven't already heard, UCLASHS needs you.

    Synopsis: some Muslim students have complained over posters for a pub social that they presumably weren't attending anyway, and have managed to get UCLU to do some leaning. The response involves some sunlight, and a petition, hosted here.
  • Re: I know there're a few UCL students here, so..
     Reply #1 - January 10, 2012, 01:04 PM

    So sahih hadith is offensive for them? Hadith speaking about Mo drinking alcohol. These Muslims always have to whine.

    I hope the UCLASHS doesn't give up! Dont back down!

    "Beauty is truth, truth beauty," - that is all
            Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.

    - John Keats
  • Re: I know there're a few UCL students here, so..
     Reply #2 - January 11, 2012, 06:38 PM

    I just read the news now

    This is just stupid, isnt UCL founded on secular principle? wacko

    "I'm standing here like an asshole holding my Charles Dickens"

    "No theory,No ready made system,no book that has ever been written to save the world. i cleave to no system.."-Bakunin
  • Re: I know there're a few UCL students here, so..
     Reply #3 - January 15, 2012, 07:39 PM

    Actually, why dont they put a huge censored sticker over it, that would highlight the absurdity of it.

    I am better than your god......and so are you.

    "Is the man who buys a magic rock, really more gullible than the man who buys an invisible magic rock?.......,...... At least the first guy has a rock!"
  • Re: I know there're a few UCL students here, so..
     Reply #4 - January 15, 2012, 07:56 PM

    So sahih hadith is offensive for them? Hadith speaking about Mo drinking alcohol. These Muslims always have to whine.

    Which hadith is that?

    قل للمليحة في الخمار الأسود
    مـاذا فـعــلت بــناسـك مـتـعـبد

    قـد كـان شـمّر لــلـصلاة ثـيابه
    حتى خـطرت له بباب المسجد

    ردي عليـه صـلاتـه وصيـامــه
    لا تـقــتـلــيه بـحـق ديــن محمد
  • Re: I know there're a few UCL students here, so..
     Reply #5 - January 15, 2012, 10:23 PM


    "Beauty is truth, truth beauty," - that is all
            Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.

    - John Keats
  • Re: I know there're a few UCL students here, so..
     Reply #6 - January 16, 2012, 12:24 AM


    قل للمليحة في الخمار الأسود
    مـاذا فـعــلت بــناسـك مـتـعـبد

    قـد كـان شـمّر لــلـصلاة ثـيابه
    حتى خـطرت له بباب المسجد

    ردي عليـه صـلاتـه وصيـامــه
    لا تـقــتـلــيه بـحـق ديــن محمد
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