The story of 13 year old Sameem Ali England now 42 year old... 
Sameem Ali simply thought she was going on a family holiday. Pakistan, a world away for a British-born 13-year-old, was a thrilling prospect for a teenage girl. The sights, the sounds, the smells - a trip to her family's native country should have been a magical experience. But Ali wasn't there for a childhood vacation - nor for any other kind of innocent adventure. In a plan cooked up by her family in the UK, and unbeknown to Ali, her future life had already been mapped out - beginning with a forced marriage to a man she didn't know in a land equally strange and unfamiliar. It was the start of a nightmare that would shatter her childhood and scar her almost beyond repair.
"I didn't know why I was going to Pakistan, but I was just told by my family that I was going on holiday," recalls Ali, a soft-spoken woman, now 42, speaking from her home in Manchester, England. "A holiday to me meant a beach, happy times, so I was quite excited that I was going on a trip. But when I got there it was a whole different story."
Within two months of arriving, and after being told of her fate by her mother only a week before, Ali was thrust into married life. Her husband was a grown man in his late 20s, twice Ali's age and clearly much too old for a girl just embarking on her teenage years.
"I was forced into a marriage to this guy who was older than I was and the only way I could get back to the UK was if I got pregnant," says Ali, who, alone, frightened and confused, tried to take her own life in Pakistan. "I didn't know how I could get pregnant and so all I could do was pray. So I did, I prayed. And, my mother kept an eye on me and she knew the signs - so as soon as I was pregnant I was brought back to the UK."
Her family thought that were Ali to become pregnant and have a British-born baby then that would strengthen her husband's case to come and live in the UK. Deeply traumatised by her experience in Pakistan, Ali found that life didn't get any easier on her return to the family home in Glasgow, Scotland - not even when, at 14, she gave birth to a baby boy. Subjected to cruel and cowardly beatings by her family well before she left for Pakistan - Ali had spent the first seven years of her life in an English children's home before being retrieved by her birth family, who, she says, used her "as a domestic slave" and punished her if she "didn't do things properly" - she eventually summoned up the courage to escape a decade of violence that was now being wrought upon her son.
"My son was three-and-a-half and I was 18 at the time when the abuse got worse and worse, and when they started abusing him, which was unacceptable, I decided to run away," says Ali. Her escape took her to Manchester, where she now works as a local government councillor. "I managed to flee, but the consequence of that was that my brother and three other people came after me to find me and kill me. But, fortunately, the police stopped them on a routine check into Manchester, and found my address, and swords and baseball bats in the boot [of their car]. The police took them in and they confessed that they had been paid £50 [Dh289] by my brother to kidnap me or my son by any means possible. My brother was imprisoned for four years."..
Well thta is today's UK_PAkistan News.. read the rest at that link..