Weird re: the 2nd one! :/
My dad mentioned the 1st one, except he was talking about Iranians leaving Iran.
Anyway, things that bother(ed) me about Muslims (of sound mind and mature age):
1. When they don't read the Qur'an. Sorry, it's your book, read it! It's not even THAT long.
2. When they say: "Proud to be Muslim". It irks me, as if they have to justify their faith to the entire world. Seems more reactionary. And also, if a person is Muslim by guidance, then it should be more like: "Grateful to be Muslim".
3. When they have convert stories to share as if it proves something (
always, BTW, white converts, as if other races converting to Islam isn't as remarkable). I don't see why anybody's faith needs justification by Westerners converting to it..
4. When they told me to love the Prophet more than my family. :/ Okay, I know that's a part of Islam and technically Muslims are supposed to do that, but WTH? My family raised me, the prophet, cool as he was, lived 1400 years ago and I never knew him. Reading about someone is not the same as knowing them.
5. Blaming the West for everybody's problems.
I can't think of any that are as intense as yours though, Omaar.