Re: Kids say the darndest things!
Reply #1 - June 17, 2012, 10:19 PM
I've been wanting to see someone make a thread like this. My kids say funny things so often.
The latest one that had me in giggles, was when I was taking my kids to school.
My son's version on what happens when we die. Have no idea where he's gotten this one from, made me laugh so hard and puzzled, he's got his own views on things that's for sure.
My son said to me, "I'm going to die one day aren't I mummy?"
"Yes," I said.
Him, "But not yet, when I'm an old man,"
Me, "Yeah,"
Him, "When I die, I'm going to go into the ground?"
Me, "Yes, probably, or you could get cremated if you want,"
Him, "Hmmmm... No, just in the ground. Mummy? When I die and go in the ground, I'm going to be a baby again aren't I?"
Me, "I don't know, no one knows what's going to happen when we die, is that what you think is going to happen?"
Him, "Yeah, I'm going to be a baby again in your tummy!"
Me (I'm trying really hard not to giggle), "No, not my tummy, I'll be old by then, why do you think you're going to be a baby again?"
Him, "Because! I'm going to be a baby again and be a kid, and be a dad, and be a old man and die AGAIN!"
Me, "Wow, that sounds like alot of work."
Him, "Yeah." (he nods)
Me, "You are such a funny boy. I love you _________."
Him, "Yeah, I is a funny boy. I love you too Mummy! Oh look, school!"