Re: me, Paranoid, quitting smoking without medication aid, pure will
Reply #16 - July 11, 2012, 06:02 AM
cloves mixed tobacco, mentholated and sweetened filter, 20+ a day, that's my bane
I'm currently using pipes, it's not my, thing, regular, recently bought, to lessen the nicotine intake, mouth, tongue numbing, bitter, out of style kind of thing, well at least in my sense, you won't see me puffing those in public,
cleaning those pipes, oozed with tar, it's a gruesome task ..
what kind of quitter am I ?
a mixture of creature of habit and a boiling pot
I go like 'chick losing its mother hen' within 48 hour, due to uncontrollable urges to laugh, rage, being deprived of the substance, of tortures 'dementor' type bleak world kind of thing, a must have after eating kind of habits
The longest time I'm not smoking is when I'm sick, those happens a long long time ago, getting sick and feels loathsome towards tobacco, I could use those strain of influenza nowadays, but it will feel shitty and helpless, and I think I'm immune to those already
I really need to get past 48 hour vulnerable limit or whatever they're called, it's varies from individual to individual, then 2 weeks of cessation, I read that this is the important period, determining factors that you're really quitting or not
then a month, a year and so on ..
I could feel the benefits of quitting in my previous attempt, monstrous eating appetite, its scare me, how much I can eat a day O_O, ... lol
starts to dream again, even if it's a lucid one about having smoke kind of dream, I welcome thee, waking up with sore throat, feel refreshed, instinctive feeling my body are up to something that's healing, I believe soo
I need an arsenal, to stave of the smoking habits, losing something, a dear friend ..
chewing gum, course salt maybe ..
feeling uncomfortable, tingling feet, tight chest,
showering, get a feet massage, my lil bro is a reflexologists, should takes advantage of him, I could blab non-stops with him, I just need to take precautions not to touch religious matter on my side
now the will factor, how to toughen those up
I'll keep my craving illustrated here, it'll be mundane, to stave off the craving, this will be my journal of quitting,
tbh, I'm split for, either to write or to forget that I'm craving, in others words to be upfront or being leisurely about it, I find that the more you're thinking about stop smoking the more you're thinking to smoke, your thought on this ..
cessation starts now, 11/07/2012, 1:01pm, Wednesday
trying to break through the 48 hour, continuing the cessation to 2 weeks period or above, it's a war of will, a continuous effort